Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific Events: Organisation
General Chair, Scientific Chair
Chetan Aditya was the co-organiser of a thematic workshop entitled "From Bench to Bedside" at the Center for Interdisciplinary research, Paris, April 2019.
Grégory Batt was a co-organizer of the thematic session entitled "Predictive approaches for biological systems engineering" at the JOBIM conference, Nantes, July 2019.
François Fages and Sylvain Soliman were scientific co-chairs of
the Constraints and Life Sciences Track of CP'2019 25th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Stamford, CT, USA, September 30 to October 4, 2019.
François Fages was scientific co-chair of
Workshop on Computational Systems Biology for Complex Disease CSBCD, ENS Paris-Saclay, Cachan, France, 28-29 Nov. 2019.
Formal methods for the synthesis of biomolecular circuits Shonan Village, Japan, 2-6 Sep 2019.
France-Taiwan Summer School on New Strategies in Medical Diagnosis and Precision Medicine, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan, 9-10 July 2019.
Scientific Events: Selection
Member of the Conference Program Committees
Grégory Batt was a member of the program committee of the IFAC Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE 2019), Valencia, Spain, and of the scientific committee of Advanced Lecture Course on Computational Systems Biology summer school, Aussois, France.
François Fages was PC member of
CIBCB'19 16th IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology – Certosa di Pontignano, Siena - Tuscany, Italy, July 9-11, 2019
CMSB'19 17th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology. Trieste, Italy, September 2019.
HSB'19, 6th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems and Biology, will be held at the Charles University, Prague (CZ) on the 6th and 7th April 2019, and is colocated with ETAPS 2019.
BIOINFORMATICS'19 10th International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms” co-located with BIOSTEC'19, Prague, Czech republic, Feb 2019.
Jakob Ruess was a PC member of CMSB'19, the 17th International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology. Trieste, Italy, September 2019.
Sylvain Soliman was a PC member of CSBio 2019 10th International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics — Nice (France), December 4–7, 2019
Jakob Ruess was a reviewer for two conferences: European Control Conference (ECC) and Bioinformatics 2020.
Member of the Editorial Boards
François Fages is member of
the Editorial Board of the Computer Science area of the Royal Society Open Science journal, since 2014;
the Editorial Board of the journal RAIRO OR Operations Research, since 2004.
Reviewer - Reviewing Activities
Grégory Batt was a reviewer for Bioinformatics and ACS Synthetic Biology journals.
François Fages made reviews for the journals Biosystems and Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.
Mathieu Hemery made 5 reviews for the journal Physical Review E, and was a reviewer for the journals Physical Review Letters and Royal Society Open Science.
Jakob Ruess was a reviewer for the journals Entropy and Scientific Reports.
Sylvain Soliman was a reviewer for Briefings in Bioinformatics, and for the Journal of Theoretical Biology.
Invited Talks
Chetan Aditya gave a presentation entitled "Synthetic optogenetic differentiation system for bioproduction in budding yeast" at the EMBL workshop "Creating is Understanding: Synthetic Biology Masters Complexity", September 2019, Heidelberg, Germany
Grégory Batt gave the following invited talks:
Driving cellular processes with quantitative accuracy using real-time control approaches, 6th Cross Disciplinary Genomics Meeting of Sorbonne University, Nov 2019, Paris, France
Driving cellular processes with quantitative accuracy using real-time control approaches, SynGen Series UK, Nov 2019, London, UK
An experimental platform for automated calibration of antimicrobial resistance models, APHP/IP AMR STORM, Oct 2019, Paris, France
Balancing a genetic toggle switch by real-time control and periodic stimulations, International Workshop on Control Engineering and Synthetic Biology, Sept 2019, Oxford, UK
Experimental and computational methods for modeling cellular processes, Shonan meeting on Formal methods for the synthesis of biomolecular circuits, Sept 2019, Shonan, Japan
Driving cellular processes with quantitative accuracy using real-time control approaches, Seminar of Unité Physico Chimie Curie, Jan 2019, Paris, France
François Bertaux gave an invited talk at the JOBIM thematic session entitled "Methods for single-cell omics data analysis", Nantes, July 2019.
Andjela Davidovic gave a presentation entitled "Calibration of stochastic biochemical models using single-cell video-microscopy experiments" at the Stochastic models for biology conference (BioHasard 2019), August 2019, Rennes, France
François Fages gave invited talk to
Turing-completeness of Chemical Reaction Networks in Natural cells and Artificial vesicles (keynote CSBio 2019) The 10th International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics. Nice, France. December 4 to 7, 2019
Cells as Analog Chemical Computers: Turing Completeness and Synthesis Formal methods for the synthesis of biomolecular circuits Shonan Village, Japan, 2-6 Sep 2019.
Modeling and Design of Biological Systems, France-Taiwan Summer School on New Strategies in Medical Diagnosis and Precision Medicin, NTU, Taipei, Taiwan, 9-10 July 2019.
La Cellule un Calculateur Chimique Journées scientifiques Inria, Lyon, 5-7 juin 2019.
La Cellule un Calculateur Chimique Dassault-Systèmes, Vélizy, June 4th 2019.
Calculs Analogiques dans les Programmes Biochimiques Naturels et Synthétiques Colloque d'ouverture 50 ans du Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Roscoff, France, 4-8 mars 2019.
Calculs analogiques dans les réseaux biochimiques naturels et synthétiques Prix La recherche - 15th edition. Université Paris Dauphine, 4 Feb. 2019.
Jakob Ruess gave an invited talk at the SYMBIONT meeting entitled "Molecular noise shapes bacteria-phage ecologies", Paris, April 2019.
Leadership within the Scientific Community
Grégory Batt is co-animator of the working group on Symbolic Systems Biology (GT Bioss).
the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology, CMSB, since 2008.
the Scientific Committee of the Doctorate School ED 474 FIRE, ex Frontiers in Life Sciences, FdV
the Scientific Committee of the Summer School Modélisation Formelle de Réseaux de Régulation Biologique Ile de Porquerolles du 23 au 28 juin 2019 .
Scientific Expertise
François Fages was
reviewer of a program proposal from Institut Pascal - Paris Saclay
reviewer of professorship application, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology - Delhi, India.
Research Administration
Grégory Batt is the deputy director of the department of Computational Biology at Institut Pasteur
François Fages is member of the “Comité des Projets du centre” Inria Saclay-IdF, and Inria representative for Doctorate School Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Sylvain Soliman is member of the “Commission Scientifique” of Inria Saclay-IdF