Section: Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the Year

Highlights of the year

  • Our activities in relation with fake news were extensively highlighted in 2019. Ewa Kijak and Vincent Claveau gave a few interviews in newspapers, in a nationwide radio broadcast as well as in several TV shows.

  • A chaire position in Artificial Intelligence for Defense has been granted to Teddy Furon. This chaire is supported by the national Defense Innovation Agency. The chaire will last 4 years, starting early 2020.

  • Laurent Amsaleg (General Chair), Guillaume Gravier (Program Committee Chair), Yannis Avrithis (Workshops Chair) as well as almost all students of Linkmedia (as volunteers) were involved in running the 27th ACM Multimedia conference in Nice. This edition, very successful, was attended by close to 800 people.


Oriane Siméoni received the best presentation award from the International Computer Vision Summer School (ICVSS) 2019 (https://iplab.dmi.unict.it/icvss2019/).