Section: Application Domains
Animation, Autonomous Characters and Digital Storytelling
Computer Animation is one of the main application domain of the research work conducted in the MimeTIC team, in particular in relation to the entertainment and game industries. In these domains, creating virtual characters that are able to replicate real human motions and behaviours still highlights unanswered key challenges, especially as virtual characters are becoming more and required to populate virtual worlds. For instance, virtual characters are used to replace secondary actors and generate highly populated scenes that would be hard and costly to produce with real actors, which requires to create high quality replicas that appear, move and behave both individually and collectively like real humans. The three key challenges for the MimeTIC team are therefore (i) to create natural animations (i.e., virtual characters that move like real humans), (ii) to create autonomous characters (i.e., that behave like real humans) and (iii) to orchestrate the virtual characters so as to create interactive stories.
First, our challenge is therefore to create animations of virtual characters that are natural, in the largest sense of the term of moving like a real human real would. This challenge covers several aspects of Character Animation depending on the context of application, e.g., producing visually plausible or physically correct motions, producing natural motion sequences, etc. Our goal is therefore to develop novel methods for animating virtual characters, e.g., based on motion capture, data-driven approaches, or learning approaches. However, because of the complexity of human motion (e.g., the number of degrees of freedom that can be controled), resulting animations are not necessarily physically, biomechanically, or visually plaisible. For instance, current physics-based approaches produce physically correct motions but not necessarily perceptually plausible ones. All these reasons are why most entertainment industries still mainly rely on manual animation, e.g., in games and movies. Therefore, research in MimeTIC on character animation is also conducted with the goal of validating objective (e.g., physical, biomechanical) as well as subjective (e.g., visual plausibility) criteria.
Second, one of the main challenges in terms of autonomous characters is to provide a unified architecture for the modeling of their behavior. This architecture includes perception, action and decisional parts. This decisional part needs to mix different kinds of models, acting at different time scale and working with different nature of data, ranging from numerical (motion control, reactive behaviors) to symbolic (goal oriented behaviors, reasoning about actions and changes). For instance, autonomous characters play the role of actors that are driven by a scenario in video games and virtual storytelling. Their autonomy allows them to react to unpredictable user interactions and adapt their behavior accordingly. In the field of simulation, autonomous characters are used to simulate the behavior of humans in different kind of situations. They enable to study new situations and their possible outcomes. In the MimeTIC team, our focus is therefore not to reproduce the human intelligence but to propose an architecture making it possible to model credible behaviors of anthropomorphic virtual actors evolving/moving in real time in virtual worlds. The latter can represent particular situations studied by psychologists of the behavior or to correspond to an imaginary universe described by a scenario writer. The proposed architecture should mimic all the human intellectual and physical functions.
Finally, interactive digital storytelling, including novel forms of edutainment and serious games, provides access to social and human themes through stories which can take various forms and contains opportunities for massively enhancing the possibilities of interactive entertainment, computer games and digital applications. It provides chances for redefining the experience of narrative through interactive simulations of computer-generated story worlds and opens many challenging questions at the overlap between computational narratives, autonomous behaviours, interactive control, content generation and authoring tools. Of particular interest for the MimeTIC research team, virtual storytelling triggers challenging opportunities in providing effective models for enforcing autonomous behaviours for characters in complex 3D environments. Offering both low-level capacities to characters such as perceiving the environments, interacting with the environment and reacting to changes in the topology, on which to build higher-levels such as modelling abstract representations for efficient reasoning, planning paths and activities, modelling cognitive states and behaviours requires the provision of expressive, multi-level and efficient computational models. Furthermore virtual storytelling requires the seamless control of the balance between the autonomy of characters and the unfolding of the story through the narrative discourse. Virtual storytelling also raises challenging questions on the conveyance of a narrative through interactive or automated control of the cinematography (how to stage the characters, the lights and the cameras). For example, estimating visibility of key subjects, or performing motion planning for cameras and lights are central issues for which have not received satisfactory answers in the literature.