Section: New Results
nD variational restoration of curvilinear structures with prior-based directional regularization
Participant: Hugues Talbot (Collaboration: Odyssée Merveille, Benoît Naegel, iCube, Strasbourg, Nicolas Passat, CRESTIC, Reims)
Curvilinear structure restoration in image processing procedures is a difficult task, which can be compounded when these structures are thin, i.e., when their smallest dimension is close to the resolution of the sensor. Many recent restoration methods involve considering a local gradient-based regularization term as prior, assuming gradient sparsity. An isotropic gradient operator is typically not suitable for thin curvilinear structures, since gradients are not sparse for these. In this paper [22], we propose a mixed gradient operator that combines a standard gradient in the isotropic image regions, and a directional gradient in the regions where specific orientations are likely. In particular, such information can be provided by curvilinear structure detectors (e.g., RORPO or Frangi filters). Our proposed mixed gradient operator, that can be viewed as a companion tool of such detectors, is proposed in a discrete framework and its formulation/computation holds in any dimension; in other words, it is valid in