Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
This is a project funded by labex COTE (University of Bordeaux) as a collaboration with IFREMER at Arcachon, EPOC (Talence), and ETI chair of the labex. The guideline of the project is to build models in statistical ecology on a series of molecular based invetories (300 samples) from occurence matrices of OTUs in samples, with environmental variables. The samples have been collected in 2018-2019, the sequences produced by BioGeCo in 2019, and data analysis will begin in 2020.
High-performance computing and metabarcoding
Pleiade is member of two projects, one funded by the Région Nouvelle Aquitaine and one funded as Inria ADT Gordon, connecting Chameleon, StartPU and NewMadeleine, where the use case of metabarcoding (questions, data sets) hase been selected to link these layers together. This will permit us to address unsupervised clustering of one million reads next year. These projects are in collaboration with the HiePACS, TADAAM, and STORM project-teams.
COTE – Continental to Coastal Ecosystems
The Labex cluster of excellence COTE (Continental To coastal Ecosystems: evolution, adaptability and governance) develops tools to understand and predict ecosystem responses to human-induced changes as well as methods of adaptative management and governance to ensure their sustainability. The LabEx includes nine laboratories of the University of Bordeaux and major national research institutes involved in research on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems (INRA, CNRS, IFREMER and IRSTEA).