Section: New Results


Autonomous car

Practical Open-Loop Optimistic Planning, [25]

We consider the problem of online planning in a Markov Decision Process when given only access to a generative model, restricted to open-loop policies-i.e. sequences of actions-and under budget constraint. In this setting, the Open-Loop Optimistic Planning (OLOP) algorithm enjoys good theoretical guarantees but is overly conservative in practice, as we show in numerical experiments. We propose a modified version of the algorithm with tighter upper-confidence bounds, KL-OLOP, that leads to better practical performances while retaining the sample complexity bound. Finally, we propose an efficient implementation that significantly improves the time complexity of both algorithms.

Budgeted Reinforcement Learning in Continuous State Space, [20]

A Budgeted Markov Decision Process (BMDP) is an extension of a Markov Decision Process to critical applications requiring safety constraints. It relies on a notion of risk implemented in the shape of a cost signal constrained to lie below an-adjustable-threshold. So far, BMDPs could only be solved in the case of finite state spaces with known dynamics. This work extends the state-of-the-art to continuous spaces environments and unknown dynamics. We show that the solution to a BMDP is a fixed point of a novel Budgeted Bellman Optimality operator. This observation allows us to introduce natural extensions of Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms to address large-scale BMDPs. We validate our approach on two simulated applications: spoken dialogue and autonomous driving.

Cognitive radio

Decentralized Spectrum Learning for IoT Wireless Networks Collision Mitigation, [28]

This paper describes the principles and implementation results of reinforcement learning algorithms on IoT devices for radio collision mitigation in ISM unlicensed bands. Learning is here used to improve both the IoT network capability to support a larger number of objects as well as the autonomy of IoT devices. We first illustrate the efficiency of the proposed approach in a proof-of-concept based on USRP software radio platforms operating on real radio signals. It shows how collisions with other RF signals present in the ISM band are diminished for a given IoT device. Then we describe the first implementation of learning algorithms on LoRa devices operating in a real LoRaWAN network, that we named IoTligent. The proposed solution adds neither processing overhead so that it can be ran in the IoT devices, nor network overhead so that no change is required to LoRaWAN. Real life experiments have been done in a realistic LoRa network and they show that IoTligent device battery life can be extended by a factor 2 in the scenarios we faced during our experiment.

GNU Radio Implementation of MALIN: ”Multi-Armed bandits Learning for Internet-of-things Networks”, [37]

We implement an IoT network in the following way: one gateway, one or several intelligent (i.e., learning) objects, embedding the proposed solution, and a traffic generator that emulates radio interferences from many other objects. Intelligent objects communicate with the gateway with a wireless ALOHA-based protocol, which does not require any specific overhead for the learning. We model the network access as a discrete sequential decision making problem, and using the framework and algorithms from Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) learning, we show that intelligent objects can improve their access to the network by using low complexity and decentralized algorithms, such as UCB1 and Thompson Sampling. This solution could be added in a straightforward and costless manner in LoRaWAN networks, just by adding this feature in some or all the devices, without any modification on the network side.


Accurate reconstruction of EBSD datasets by a multimodal data approach using an evolutionary algorithm, [14]

A new method has been developed for the correction of the distortions and/or enhanced phase differentiation in Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) data. Using a multi-modal data approach, the method uses segmented images of the phase of interest (laths, precipitates, voids, inclusions) on images gathered by backscattered or secondary electrons of the same area as the EBSD map. The proposed approach then search for the best transformation to correct their relative distortions and recombines the data in a new EBSD file. Speckles of the features of interest are first segmented in both the EBSD and image data modes. The speckle extracted from the EBSD data is then meshed, and the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES) is implemented to distort the mesh until the speckles superimpose. The quality of the matching is quantified via a score that is linked to the number of overlapping pixels in the speckles. The locations of the points of the distorted mesh are compared to those of the initial positions to create pairs of matching points that are used to calculate the polynomial function that describes the distortion the best. This function is then applied to un-distort the EBSD data, and the phase information is inferred using the data of the segmented speckle. Fast and versatile, this method does not require any human annotation and can be applied to large datasets and wide areas. Besides, this method requires very few assumptions concerning the shape of the distortion function. It can be used for the single compensation of the distortions or combined with the phase differentiation. The accuracy of this method is of the order of the pixel size. Some application examples in multiphase materials with feature sizes down to 1 μm are presented, including Ti-6Al-4V Titanium alloy, Rene 65 and additive manufactured Inconel 718 Nickel-base superalloys.

Energy Management for Microgrids: a Reinforcement Learning Approach, [41]

This paper presents a framework based on reinforcement learning for energy management and economic dispatch of an islanded microgrid without any forecasting module. The architecture of the algorithm is divided in two parts: a learning phase trained by a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm on a small dataset and the testing phase based on a decision tree induced from the trained RL. An advantage of this approach is to create an autonomous agent, able to react in real-time, considering only the past. This framework was tested on real data acquired at Ecole Polytechnique in France over a long period of time, with a large diversity in the type of days considered. It showed near optimal, efficient and stable results in each situation.