Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
With U. INSERM 1190, CHU Lille
Participants : Odalric-Ambrym Maillard, Philippe Preux.
Participant : Philippe Preux.
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B4H is a fundamental research project on a certain type of bandit algorithms, tailored to be applied to post-surgical patient follow-up. Bandit in a non-stationary environment will be studied. This work is performed in collaboration with Pr. F. Pattou and his group.
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This is mostly a data analysis work in order to study whether a certain disease may be predicted based on a certain dataset collected by U. INSERM 1190. Estelle Chatelain, a BiLille engineer, is involved in this project. This work is performed in collaboration with Pr. F. Pattou and his group.
With Service de Radiologie et Imagerie Musculosquelettique, CHU Lille
Participants : Philippe Preux, Franck Valentini.