Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Charles Kervrann:

  • Engineer Degree: Genomics and Informatics, 4.5 hours, MINES ParisTech.

  • Master: From Bioimage Processing to BioImage Informatics, 5 hours, coordinator of the module (30 hours), Master 2 Research IRIV, Telecom-Physique Strasbourg and University of Strasbourg.

  • Master: Analysis of Image Sequences, 9 hours, Master 2 Research SISEA, University of Rennes 1.

  • Engineer Degree and Master 2 Statistics and Mathematics: Statistical Models and Image Analysis, 37 hours + 15 hours (TP, Emmanuel Moebel), 3rd year, Ecole Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information (ENSAI), Rennes.



Anca-Georgiana Caranfil (PhD in progress): Data assimilation methods for cell division mechanisms and molecule trafficking analysis (started in December 2016, supervised by C. Kervrann and Y. Le Cunff (IGDR, Rennes)).

Gwendal Fouché (PhD in progress): Immersive interaction and visualization of temporal 3D data (started in October 2019, supervised by C. Kervrann, F. Argelaguet (EPC hybrid , Inria, Rennes), and E. Faure (LIRMM, Montpellier)).

Yunjiao Lu (PhD in progress): Intracellular dynamics and super-resolution imaging: analysis of bacteria wall at the molecular scale (started in October 2017, supervised by C. Kervrann, A. Trubuil and R. Carballido-Lopez (INRA, Jouy-en-Josas)).

Léo Maczyta (PhD in progress): Motion saliency in video sequences (started in October 2017, supervised by P. Bouthemy and O. Lemeur (Team Percept, IRISA, Rennes)).

Sandeep Manandhar (PhD defended [11]): Optical flow methods for 3D fluorescence imaging (defended in November 2019, supervised by P. Bouthemy and C. Kervrann).

Emmanuel Moebel (PhD defended [12]): New strategies for the identification and enumeration of macromolecules in 3D images of cryo electron tomography (defended in January 2019, supervised C. Kervrann).

Antoine Salomon (PhD in progress): Statistical aggregation for image analysis in fluorescence microscopy and super-resolution (started in November 2017, supervised by C. Kervrann).



Charles Kervrann:

  • Reviewer of the HdR of E. Baudrier (University of Strasbourg, ICube – UMR 7357).

  • Reviewer of the PhDs of A. Davy (University of Paris Saclay, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, supervised by J.-M. Morel and A. Desolneux), P. Parutto (University of Paris Sciences et Lettres, Ecole Normale Supérieure, supervised by D. Holcman), J.D.K. Hansen (University of Copenhagen, DIKU, Denmark, supervised by F. Lauze).

  • President of PhD thesis committee of M. Tassano (University of Paris-Descartes, supervised by J. Delon).

  • Member of the PhD committee of P. Naylor (University of Paris Sciences et Lettres, MINES ParisTech, supervised by T. Walter).

  • External examiner of the application of M. Arigovindan (Faculty assessment, promotion to the position of Associate Professor with tenure, Indian Institute of Science).

Patrick Bouthemy:

  • President of the PhD thesis committee of A. Lopez (University of Rennes 1, supervised by J. Pettré and F. Chaumette).