Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Software and Platforms


Reconstruction of AiryScan microscopy images

Keywords: Image reconstruction - Fluorescence microscopy - Photonic imaging - Deconvolution - Image analysis

Functional Description: The AiryscanJ software enables to reconstruct a high resolution image from an array of multiple raw images acquired with the Airyscan technology (32 detectors). Airyscanning is a recent technique based on confocal laser scanning microscopy. The AiryscanJ software gathers four reconstruction methods (ISM, IFED, ISFED, ISM-Deconvolution) to compute a high resolution image: 1/ ISM amounts to summing the preliminarily registered raw images. 2/ IFED is the weighted difference between the inner detectors and the outer detector. 3/ ISFED is the weighted difference between the registered outer detectors and the original outer detectors. AiryscanJ automatically estimates the parameter controlling the IFED and ISFED algorithms. 4/ ISM-Deconvolution allows reconstructing a high resolution image by applying a deconvolution algorithm on the ISM image.