Section: New Results
Results for Axis 1: Vulnerability analysis
New Advances on Side-channel Distinguishers
Participants : Christophe Genevey Metat, Annelie Heuser.
A Systematic Evaluation of Profiling Through Focused Feature Selection.
Profiled side-channel attacks consist of several steps one needs to take. An important, but sometimes ignored, step is a selection of the points of interest (features) within side-channel measurement traces. A large majority of the related works start the analyses with an assumption that the features are preselected. Contrary to this assumption, here, we concentrate on the feature selection step. We investigate how advanced feature selection techniques stemming from the machine learning domain can be used to improve the attack efficiency. To this end, we provide a systematic evaluation of the methods of interest. The experiments are performed on several real-world data sets containing software and hardware implementations of AES, including the random delay countermeasure. Our results show that wrapper and hybrid feature selection methods perform extremely well over a wide range of test scenarios and a number of features selected. We emphasize L1 regularization (wrapper approach) and linear support vector machine (SVM) with recursive feature elimination used after chi-square filter (Hybrid approach) that performs well in both accuracy and guessing entropy. Finally, we show that the use of appropriate feature selection techniques is more important for an attack on the high-noise data sets, including those with countermeasures, than on the low-noise ones.
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Make Some Noise. Unleashing the Power of Convolutional Neural Networks for Profiled Side-channel Analysis. Profiled side-channel analysis based on deep learning, and more precisely Convolutional Neural Networks, is a paradigm showing significant potential. The results, although scarce for now, suggest that such techniques are even able to break cryptographic implementations protected with countermeasures. In this paper, we start by proposing a new Convolutional Neural Network instance able to reach high performance for a number of considered datasets. We compare our neural network with the one designed for a particular dataset with masking countermeasure and we show that both are good designs but also that neither can be considered as a superior to the other one. Next, we address how the addition of artificial noise to the input signal can be actually beneficial to the performance of the neural network. Such noise addition is equivalent to the regularization term in the objective function. By using this technique, we are able to reduce the number of measurements needed to reveal the secret key by orders of magnitude for both neural networks. Our new convolutional neural network instance with added noise is able to break the implementation protected with the random delay countermeasure by using only 3 traces in the attack phase. To further strengthen our experimental results, we investigate the performance with a varying number of training samples, noise levels, and epochs. Our findings show that adding noise is beneficial throughout all training set sizes and epochs.
The Curse of Class Imbalance and Conflicting Metrics with Machine Learning for Side-channel Evaluations.
We concentrate on machine learning techniques used for profiled sidechannel analysis in the presence of imbalanced data. Such scenarios are realistic and often occurring, for instance in the Hamming weight or Hamming distance leakage models. In order to deal with the imbalanced data, we use various balancing techniques and we show that most of them help in mounting successful attacks when the data is highly imbalanced. Especially, the results with the SMOTE technique are encouraging, since we observe some scenarios where it reduces the number of necessary measurements more than 8 times. Next, we provide extensive results on comparison of machine learning and side-channel metrics, where we show that machine learning metrics (and especially accuracy as the most often used one) can be extremely deceptive. This finding opens a need to revisit the previous works and their results in order to properly assess the performance of machine learning in side-channel analysis.
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CC Meets FIPS: A Hybrid Test Methodology for First Order Side Channel Analysis.
Common Criteria (CC) and FIPS 140-3 are two popular side channel testing methodologies. Test Vector Leakage Assessment Methodology (TVLA), a potential candidate for FIPS, can detect the presence of side-channel information in leakage measurements. However, TVLA results cannot be used to quantify side-channel vulnerability and it is an open problem to derive its relationship with side channel attack success rate (SR), i.e., a common metric for CC. In this paper, we extend the TVLA testing beyond its current scope. Precisely, we derive a concrete relationship between TVLA and signal to noise ratio (SNR). The linking of the two metrics allows direct computation of success rate (SR) from TVLA for given choice of intermediate variable and leakage model and thus unify these popular side channel detection and evaluation metrics. An end-to-end methodology is proposed, which can be easily automated, to derive attack SR starting from TVLA testing. The methodology works under both univariate and multivariate setting and is capable of quantifying any first order leakage. Detailed experiments have been provided using both simulated traces and real traces on SAKURA-GW platform. Additionally, the proposed methodology is benchmarked against previously published attacks on DPA contest v4.0 traces, followed by extension to jitter based countermeasure. The result shows that the proposed methodology provides a quick estimate of SR without performing actual attacks, thus bridging the gap between CC and FIPS.
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Combining sources of side-channel information.
A few papers relate that multi-channel consideration can be beneficial for side-channel analysis. However, all were conducted using classical attack techniques. In this work, we propose to explore a multi-channel approach thanks to machine/deep learning. We investigate two kinds of multi-channel combinations. Unlike previous works, we investigate the combination of EM emissions from different locations capturing data-dependent leakage information on the device. Additionally, we consider the combination of the classical leaking signals and a measure of mostly the ambient noise. The knowledge of the ambient noise (due to WiFi, GSM, ...) may help to remove it from a noisy trace. To investigate these multi-channel approaches, we describe one option of how to extend a CNN architecture which takes as input multiple channels. Our results show that multi-channel networks are suitable for side-channel analysis. However, if one channel alone already contains enough exploitable information to reach high effectiveness, naturally, the multi-channel approach cannot improve the performance further.
Side-channel analysis on post-quantum cryptography
Participants : Tania Richmond, Yulliwas Ameur, Agathe Cheriere, Annelie Heuser.
In recent years, there has been a substantial amount of research on quantum computers ? machines that exploit quantum mechanical phenomena to solve mathematical problems that are difficult or intractable for conventional computers. If large-scale quantum computers are ever built, they will be able to break many of the public-key cryptosystems currently in use. This would seriously compromise the confidentiality and integrity of digital communications on the Internet and elsewhere. The goal of post-quantum cryptography (also called quantum-resistant cryptography) is to develop cryptographic systems that are secure against both quantum and classical computers, and can interoperate with existing communications protocols and networks. At present, there are several post-quantum cryptosystems that have been proposed: lattice-based, code-based, multivariate cryptosystems, hash-based signatures, and others. However, for most of these proposals, further research is needed in order to gain more confidence in their security and to improve their performance. Our interest lies in particular on the side-channel analysis and resistance of these post-quantum schemes, in particular code-based cryptosystems.
During this year, we have set up a first side-channel experiment platform suited for embedded devices running code-based cryptosystems. Using this platform we exploited vulnerabilities of the syndrome computation present in some code-based algorithms.
Verification of IKEv2 protocol
Participants : Tristan Ninet, Olivier Zendra.
The IKEv2 (Internet Key Exchange version 2) protocol is the authenticated key-exchange protocol used to set up secure communications in an IPsec (Internet Protocol security) architecture. IKEv2 guarantees security properties like mutual-authentication and secrecy of exchanged key. To obtain an IKEv2 implementation as secure as possible, we use model checking to verify the properties on the protocol specification, and software formal verification tools to detect implementation flaws like buffer overflows or memory leaks.
In previous analyses, IKEv2 has been shown to possess two authentication vulnerabilities that were considered not exploitable. We analyze the protocol specification using the Spin model checker, and prove that in fact the first vulnerability does not exist. In addition, we show that the second vulnerability is exploitable by designing and implementing a novel slow Denial-of-Service attack, which we name the Deviation Attack.
We propose an expression of the time at which Denial-of-Service happens, and validate it through experiment on the strongSwan implementation of IKEv2. As a counter-measure, we propose a modification of IKEv2, and use model checking to prove that the modified version is secure.
For ethical reasons we informed our country’s national security agency (ANSSI) about the existence of the Deviation Attack. The security agency gave us some technical feedback as well as its approval for publishing the attack.
We then tackle formal verification directly applied to an IKEv2 source code. We already tried to analyze strongSwan using the Angr tool. However we found that the Angr was not mature yet for a program like strongSwan. We thus try other software formal verification tools and apply them to smaller and simpler source code than strongSwan: we analyze OpenSSL asn1parse using the CBMC tool and light-weight IP using the Infer tool. We find that CBMC does not scale to a large source code and that Infer does not verify the properties we want.
We explored more in-depth a formal technique and work towards the goal of verifying generic properties (absence of implementation flaws) on softwares like strongSwan.
[10] Model Checking the IKEv2 Protocol Using Spin
[11] The Deviation Attack: A Novel Denial-of-Service Attack Against IKEv2
Software obfuscation
Participants : Alexandre Gonzalvez, Olivier Decourbe.
The limits of software obfuscation are not clear in practice. A protection based on opaque predicates can not be compatible with the control flow integrity property at low-level, due to the presence of indirect jumps in the instruction set architecture semantics. We propose a restricted instruction set architecture to overcome this limit. We argue for the adoption of restricted instruction set architecture for security-related computation. Publication:
[9] A case against indirect jumps for secure programs