Section: New Results
(Coordination of the) H2020 TeamPlay Project, and Expression of Security Properties
Participants : Olivier Zendra, Yoann Marquer, Céline Minh, Nicolas Kiss, Annelie Heuser, Tania Richmond.
Overview & results
This work is done in the context of the TeamPlay EU project.
As mobile applications, the Internet of Things, and cyber-physical systems become more prevalent, so there is an increasing focus on energy efficiency of multicore computing applications. At the same time, traditional performance issues remain equally important. Increasingly, software designs need to find the best performance within some energy budget, often while also respecting real-time or other constraints, which may include security, data locality or system criticality, and while simultaneously optimising the usage of the available hardware resources.
While parallel multicore/manycore hardware can, in principle, ameliorate energy problems, and heterogeneous systems can help to find a good balance between execution time and energy usage, at present there are no effective analyses beyond user-guided simulations that can reliably predict energy usage for parallel systems, whether alone or in combination with timing information and security properties. In order to create energy-, time- and security- (ETS) efficient parallel software, programmers need to be actively engaged in decisions about energy usage, execution time and security properties rather than passively informed about their effects. This extends to design-time as well as to implementation-time and run-time.
In order to address this fundamental challenge, TeamPlay takes a radically new approach: by exploiting new and emerging ideas that allow non-functional properties to be deeply embedded within their programs, programmers can be empowered to directly treat energy ETS properties as first-class citizens in their parallel software. The concrete objectives of the TeamPlay project are:
To develop new mechanisms, along with their theoretical and practical underpinnings, that support direct language-level reasoning about energy usage, timing behaviour, security, etc.
To develop system-level coordination mechanisms that facilitate optimised resource usage for multicore hardware, combining system-level resource utilisation control during software development with efficient spatial and temporal scheduling at run-time.
To determine the fundamental inter-relationships between time, energy, security, etc. optimisations, to establish which optimisation approaches are most effective for which criteria, and to consequently develop multiobjective optimising compilers that can balance energy consumption against timing and other constraints.
To develop energy models for heterogeneous multicore architectures that are sufficiently accurate to enable high-level reasoning and optimisation during system development and at run-time.
To develop static and dynamic analyses that are capable of determining accurate time, energy usage and security information for code fragments in a way that can inform high-level programs, so achieving energy, time and security transparency at the source code level.
To integrate these models, analyses and tools into an analysis-based toolbox that is capable of reflecting accurate static and dynamic information on execution time and energy consumption to the programmer and that is capable of optimising time, energy, security and other required metrics at the whole system level.
To identify industrially-relevant metrics and requirements and to evaluate the effectiveness and potential of our research using these metrics and requirements.
To promote the adoption of advanced energy-, time- and security-aware software engineering techniques and tools among the relevant stake-holders.
Inria will exploit the results of the TeamPlay project in two main domains. First, they will strengthen and extend the research Inria has been carrying on low power and energy for embedded systems, especially for memory and wireless sensors networks. Second, they will complement in a very fitting way the research carried at Inria about security at a higher level (model checking, information theory).
The capability to express the energy and security properties at the developper level will be integrate in Inria own prototype tools, hence widening their applicability and the ease of experimentation. The use of energy properties wrt. evening of energy consumption to prevent information leakage, thus making side-channels attacks more difficult, is also a very promising path.
In addition, the methodological results pertaining to the development of embedded systems with a focus on low power and energy should also contribute to research lead at Inria in the domain of software engineering and advanced software engineering tools. Furthermore, security research lead at Inria will benefit from the security work undertaken by Inria and SIC in TeamPlay.
Overall, the project, with a strong industrial presence, will allow Inria to focus on matching concrete industrial requirements aiming at actual products, hence in providing more robust and validated results. In addition, the extra experience of working with industrial partners including SMEs will surely impact positively on Inria research methodology, making Inria research more attractive and influential, especially wrt. industry.
Finally, the results, both in terms of methodology and techniques, will also be integrated in the teaching Inria contributes to at Master level, in the areas of Embedded Systems and of Security.
The TeamPlay consortium agreement has been created by Inria, discussed with the various partners, and has been signed by all partners on 28 Feb. 2018. Inria has also distributed the partners initial share of the grant at the beginning of the project.
As WP7 (project management) leader and project coordinator, Inria was in charge of arranging general project meetings, including monthly meetings (tele-conferences), bi-annual physical meetings, boards meetings. During the first period, three exceptional physical meetings have been conducted, in addition to monthly project meetings: the kick-off meeting in Rennes from the 30th to the 31st of January 2018, the physical progress meeting has been conducted in Odense from the 26th to the 27th of June 2018, and the review in Brussels prepared the 19th of September 2018 and set the 17th of October 2018.
We have selected and set up utility tools for TeamPlay: shared notepads, mailing lists, shared calendars and collaborative repositories. We have ensured the timely production of the due deliverables. We set up the Project Advisory Board (PAB) with the aim of gathering external experts from both academia and industry, covering a wide range of domains addressed by TeamPlay. Finally, we ensured good working relationships (which can implicate conflict resolution when needed), monitored the overall progress of the project, and reported to the European Commission on technical matters and deliverables.
We also organized a tooling meeting in Hamburg in October the 30th, to discuss the relation between the tools from different partners, e.g. Idris from the University of St Andrews, the WCC compiler developed in the Hamburg University of Technology, or the coordination tool developed in the University of Amsterdam.
Measuring security, unlike measuring other more common non-functional properties like time or energy, is still very much in its infancy. For example, time is often measured in seconds (or divisions thereof), but security has no widely agreed, well-defined measurement. It is thus one goal of this project, especially for SIC and Inria, to design (necessarily novel) security measurements, and have them implemented as much as possible throughout the set of development tools.
Measuring security by only one value however seems impossible or may be meaningless. More precisely, if security could be defined overall by only one measurement, the latter would be a compound (i.e. an aggregation) of several more specialized measurement. Indeed, security encompasses many aspects of interest:
By allowing communications between different systems, security properties should be guaranteed in order to prevent low-level users from determining anything about high-level users activity, or in the case of public communication channels in a hostile environment, to evaluate vulnerability to intruders performing attacks on communications.
Confidentiality (sometimes called secrecy) properties like non-interference (and many) variants can be described by using an information-flow policy (e.g. high- and low-level users) and studying traces of user inputs.
Vulnerability captures how a system is sensible to attacks on communications (e.g. stealing or faking information on a public channel).
A side-channel is a way of transmitting informations (purposely or not) to another system out of the standard (intended) communication channels. Side-channel attacks rely on the relationship between information leaked through a side-channel and the secret data to obtain confidential (non-public) information.
Entropy captures the uncertainty of the attacker about the secret key. The attacker must be able to extract information about the secret key through side-channel measurements, which is captured by the attacker's remaining uncertainty value, which can be computed by using heuristic techniques. The attacker must also be able to effectively recover the key from the extracted information, which is expressed by the min-entropy leakage, and refined by the -leakage of a gain function.
The power consumption of a cryptographic device can be analyzed to extract the secret key. This is done by using several techniques: visual examination of graphs of the current (Simple Power Analysis), by exploiting biases in varying power consumption (Differential Power Analysis), or by using the correlation coefficient between the power samples and hypotheses (Correlation Power Analysis).
Usual security properties guarantee only the input-output behavior of a program, and not its execution time. Closing leakage through timing can be done by disallowing while-loops and if-commands to depend on high security data, or by padding the branches so that the external observer cannot determine which branch was taken.
Finally, the correlation between the patterns of the victim's execution and the attacker's observations is formalized as a metric called the Side-channel Vulnerability Factor, which is refined by the Cache Side-channel Vulnerability for cache attacks.
A cryptographic scheme should be secure even if the attacker knows all details about the system, with the exception of the secret keys. In particular, the system should be secure when the attacker knows the encryption and decryption algorithms.
In modern cryptography, the security level (or security strength) is given by the work factor, which is related to its key-length and the number of operations necessary to break a cryptographic scheme (try all possible combinations of the key). An algorithm is said to have a "security level of bits" if the best known attack requires steps. This is a quite natural definition because symmetric algorithms with a security level of have a key of length bits.
The relationship between cryptographic strength and security is not as straightforward in the asymmetric case. Moreover, for symmetric algorithms, a key-length of 128 bits provides an estimated long term security (i.e. several decades in the absence of quantum computer) regarding brute-force attacks. To reach an estimated long term security even with quantum computers, a key-length of 256 bits is mandatory.
Inria is implementing side-channel countermeasures (hiding) into the WCET-aware C Compiler (WCC) developed by the Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH). A research visit to TUHH was arranged with the aim at learning how to work on WCC (TUHH and WCC infrastructure, WCC developers best practices, etc.). Inria will use compiler-based techniques to prevent timing leakages and power leakages.
For instance, in a conditional branching , measuring the execution time or the power profile may allow to know whether the branch or have been chosen to manipulate the value , thus to obtain the secret value . To prevent timing leakage, and/or can be padded (i.e. dummy instructions are added) in order to obtain the worst-case execution time in both branches.
But this does not prevent information leakage from power profile. A stronger technique, from a security point of view, could be to add a dummy variable and duplicate the code such that always performs the operations of then the operations of . But the execution time is now the sum and not the worst-case of both branches, thus trading execution time to increase security.
Finally, the initialization can be detected, and the previous solution is still vulnerable to fault injections. Some algorithms like the Montgomery Ladder are more protected against these attacks because both variables and are entangled during the execution. We hope to generalize this property to a wider set of algorithms, or to automatically detect the properties required from the original code in order to transform it into a “ladderized" version with higher security level.
Type-Driven Verification of Non-functional Properties [8].