Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master: Pierre Alliez, Florent Lafarge and Gaétan Bahl, advanced machine learning, 21h, M2, university Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master: Pierre Alliez, data visualization, 3h, M2, university Côte d'Azur, France.

  • Master: Pierre Alliez and Florent Lafarge, 3D Meshes and Applications, 32h, M2, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France.

  • Master: Florent Lafarge, Traitement d'images numériques, 6h, M2, university Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master: Pierre Alliez and Florent Lafarge, Interpolation numérique, 60h, M1, university Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master: Florent Lafarge, Mathématiques pour la géométrie, 20h, M1, EFREI, France.

  • Master: Yuliya Tarabalka, Discrete inference and learning, 12h, M2 MVA, ENS Paris-Saclay & CentraleSupelec, France.


  • PhD defended January 16th: Hao Fang, Geometric modeling of man-made objects at different level of details, since March 2016, Florent Lafarge.

  • PhD defended December 6th: Jean-Philippe Bauchet, Kinetic data structures for the geometric modeling of urban environments, since October 2016, Florent Lafarge.

  • PhD in progress: Julien Vuillamy, city reconstruction from multi-sourced data, since April 2018, Pierre Alliez and Florent Lafarge.

  • PhD in progress: Muxingzi Li, indoor reconstruction from a smartphone, since February 2018, Florent Lafarge.

  • PhD in progress: Lionel Matteo: From Pleiades images to very high resolution topography in complex zones, since September 2017, Yuliya Tarabalka and Isabelle Manighetti.

  • PhD in progress: Onur Tasar, Using deep learning approaches to devise an efficient representation for large-scale satellite images, since October 2017, Yuliya Tarabalka and Pierre Alliez.

  • PhD in progress: Nicolas Girard, How to structure satellite data, since November 2017, Yuliya Tarabalka.

  • PhD in progress: Vincent Vadez, Geometric simplification of satellites for thermal simulation, since August 2018, Pierre Alliez.

  • PhD in progress: Gaétan Bahl, low-power neural networks, since March 2019, Florent Lafarge.

  • PhD in progress: Mulin Yu, remeshing urban-specific CAD formats, since November 2019, Florent Lafarge.

  • PhD in progress: Tong Zhao, shape reconstruction, since November 2019, Pierre Alliez and Laurent Busé (from the Aromath Inria project-team).

  • PhD stopped after one year: Flora Quilichini, Geometry Compression, between January 2018 and June 2019, Pierre Alliez and Guillaume Lavoué (INSA Lyon).


  • Pierre Alliez was a PhD committee member for Siargey Kachanovich and Jean-Philippe Bauchet (Inria Sophia Antipolis). He was a reviewer for the habilitation committee of Sébastien Valette (INSA Lyon).

  • Florent Lafarge was a PhD thesis reviewer for Romain Rombourg (University of Grenoble Alpes) and Thomas Holzmann (TU Graz, Austria).