Section: New Software and Platforms

Module CGAL : Scale space surface reconstruction

Keyword: Geometric algorithms

Scientific Description: This CGAL package implements a surface reconstruction method which takes as input an unordered point set and computes a triangulated surface mesh interpolating the point set. We assume that the input points were sampled from the surface of an object. The method can also process point sets sampled from the interior of the object, although we cannot provide guarantees on the output. This method can handle a decent amount of noise and outliers. The point set may greatly undersample the object in occluded regions, although no surface will be reconstructed to fill these regions.

Functional Description: This method allows to reconstruct a surface that interpolates a set of 3D points. This method provides an efficient alternative to the Poisson surface reconstruction method. The main difference in output is that this method reconstructs a surface that interpolates the point set (as opposed to approximating the point set). How the surface connects the points depends on a scale variable, which can be estimated semi-automatically.

  • Participants: Pierre Alliez and Thijs Van Lankveld

  • Contact: Pierre Alliez