Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


PISCO: Perceptual Levels of Detail for Interactive and Immersive Remote Visualization of Complex 3D Scenes

Participants : Pierre Alliez [contact] , Flora Quilichini, Florent Lafarge.

The way of consuming and visualizing this 3D content is evolving from standard screens to Virtual and Mixed Reality (VR/MR). Our objective is to devise novel algorithms and tools allowing interactive visualization, in these constrained contexts (Virtual and Mixed reality, with local/remote 3D content), with a high quality of user experience. Partners: Inria, LIRIS INSA Lyon Institut National des Sciences Appiquées (coordinator), Laboratoire d'Informatique en Images et Systèmes d'Information LS2N Nantes University. Total budget 550 KE, 121 KE for TITANE. The PhD thesis of Flora Quilichini is funded by this project which started in January 2018, for a total duration of 4 years.

LOCA-3D: Localization Orientation and 3D CArtography

Participants : Fernando Ireta Munoz, Florent Lafarge, Pierre Alliez [contact] .

This project is part of the ANR Challenge MALIN LOCA-3D (Localization, orientation and 3D cartography). The challenge is to develop and experiment accurate location solutions for emergency intervention officers and security forces. These solutions must be efficient inside buildings and in conditions where satellite positioning systems do not work satisfactorily. Our solution is based on an advanced inertial system, where part of the inertial sensor drift is compensated by a vision system. Partners: SME INNODURA TB (coordinator), IBISC laboratory (Evry university) and Inria. Total budget: 700 KE, 157 KE for TITANE. The engineer position of Fernando Ireta Munoz is funded by this project which started in January 2018, for a total duration of 4 years.

EPITOME: efficient representation to structure large-scale satellite images

Participants : Nicolas Girard, Yuliya Tarabalka [PI] .

The goal of this young researcher project is to devise an efficient multi-scale vectorial representation, which would structure the content of large-scale satellite images. More specifically, we seek for a novel effective representation for large-scale satellite images, that would be generic, i.e., applicable for images worldwide and for a wide range of applications, and structure-preserving, i.e. best representing the meaningful objects in the image scene. To address this challenge, we plan to bridge the gap between advanced machine learning and geometric modeling tools to devise a multi-resolution vector-based representation, together with the methods for its effective generation and manipulation. Total budget: 225 KE for TITANE. The PhD thesis of Nicolas Girard is funded by this project which started in October 2017, for a total duration of 4 years.

Faults_R_GEMS: Properties of FAULTS, a key to Realistic Generic Earthquake Modeling and hazard Simulation

Participants : Lionel Matteo, Yuliya Tarabalka [contact] .

The goal of the project is to study the properties of seismic faults, using advanced math tools including learning approaches. The project is in collaboration with Geoazur lab (coordinator), Arizona State University, CALTECH, Ecole Centrale Paris, ENS Paris, ETH Zurich, Geosciences Montpellier, IFSTTAR, IPGP Paris, IRSN Fontenay-aux-Roses, LJAD Nice, UNAVCO Colorado and Pisa University. The PhD thesis of Lionel Matteo is funded by this project which started in October 2017, for a total duration of 4 years.

BIOM: Building Indoor and Outdoor Modeling

Participants : Muxingzi Li, Pierre Alliez, Florent Lafarge [contact] .

The BIOM project aims at automatic, simultaneous indoor and outdoor modelling of buildings from images and dense point clouds. We want to achieve a complete, geometrically accurate, semantically annotated but nonetheless lean 3D CAD representation of buildings and objects they contain in the form of a Building Information Models (BIM) that will help manage buildings in all their life cycle (renovation, simulation, deconstruction). The project is in collaboration with IGN (coordinator), Ecole des Ponts Paristech, CSTB and INSA-ICube. Total budget: 723 KE, 150 KE for TITANE. The PhD thesis of Muxingzi Li is funded by this project which started in February 2018, for a total duration of 4 years.