Section: New Software and Platforms
Keywords: Automated deduction - Formula solving - Verification
Scientific Description: veriT comprises a SAT solver, a decision procedure for uninterpreted symbols based on congruence closure, a simplex-based decision procedure for linear arithmetic, and instantiation-based quantifier handling.
Functional Description: VeriT is an open, trustable and efficient SMT (Satisfiability Modulo Theories) solver, featuring efficient decision procedure for uninterpreted symbols and linear arithmetic, and quantifier reasoning.
News Of The Year: Efforts in 2019 have been focused on quantifier handling, higher logic, and proof production.
The veriT solver participated in the SMT competition SMT-COMP 2019 with good results. In particular, it took the bronze medal in the QF_UF division, solving as many problems as the two leading solvers but taking somewhat more time.
We target applications where validation of formulas is crucial, such as the validation of TLA+ and B specifications, and work together with the developers of the respective verification platforms to make veriT even more useful in practice. The solver is available as a plugin for the Rodin platform, and it is integrated within Atelier B.
veriT is also a prototype platform for ideas developed within the Matryoshka project, aiming at greater availability of automated reasoning for proof assistants.