Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

L. Baratchart is a member of the editorial board of Computational Methods and Function Theory and Complex Analysis and Operator Theory.

He was an invited speaker at the Conference on Blaschke products and their Applications (Fields Institute, Toronto), at the Conference “Computational Complex Analysis and Approximation Theory” (Protaras, Cyprus) and at the conference “Recent Trends in Analysis” (Bordeaux). He was a speaker at the ERNSI Workshop on System Identification (Nice) and a colloquium speaker at the University of Wuhan (China).

He was co-organizer (with A. Borichev and N. Nikolskii) of the summer school Bellman Functions in Harmonic Analysis, held at INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis-Méditerranée.

B. Bonnard gave a plenary talk at the “Workshop on Weak KAM theory” in Bordeaux. He was invited to give a talk at LAGEP (Lyon) on optimal contrast in NMR.

Y. Fischer was an invited speaker at the conference WIS&E (Mexico, Nov.). He gave a talk at the SMAI congress (Guidel, May), and at the seminars of the teams MAC (LAAS, Toulouse, Jan.), LMAP (Univ. Pau et Pays de l'Adour, Mar.), at the working groups ITER (lab. JLL, Univ. Paris 6), plasma (JAD lab., Univ. Nice Sophia-Antipolis).

Y. Fischer and M. Olivi gave a talk at the Journées d'Identification et de Modélisation Expérimentale (JIME, Douai, Apr.).

J. Leblond was an invited speaker at the Journées d'Analyse Mathématique et Applications (JAMA 2011, Hammamet, March), at the Second International Conference on the Mathematical Sciences, (Buea, Cameroon, May). She gave a communication at the seminar of the team Analyse et Géométrie, LATP-CMI, Univ Aix-Marseille I (Feb.), and at the meeting of the ANR project AHPI, Bordeaux (Nov.).

A.-M. Nicu gave a communication at the Journées d'Analyse Mathématique et Applications (JAMA 2011, Hammamet, March).

M. Olivi organized the ERNSI workshop in Nice (Sept.).

J.-B. Pomet gave a talk at the conference “New Trends in Astrodynamics and Applications”, Courant Institute, New York.

E. Pozzi gave a communication at the meeting of the GDR AFHA (Clermont-Ferrand, Oct.).

S. Chevillard organized the “Computer arithmetic” session at the “Rencontres arithmétiques de l'informatique mathématique” (RAIM'11, Perpignan, France).

S. Chevillard gave a talk at the conference “ARITH 20”, Tuebingen, Germany.

F. Seyfert gave two talks at the "European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2011)" in Manchester on the topics of filter synthesis and de-embedding of multiplexers. He was at the origin of a European work-group hosted by ESA on the topic of compact multiplexer design, whose first meeting took place in Noordwijkerhout at the end of November.