Section: Overall Objectives
In 2011, AVIZ has been very successful in obtaining funded projects.
- Google Research Award:
Jean-Daniel Fekete has received an Research Award by Google for a project called “Data Visualization for the People” to be done with Jeremy Boy and AVIZ.
- National Equipment of Excellence:
The Digiscope project has been selected on the competitive call (acceptance rate of 51/336 or 15%). AVIZ is in charge of setting up a Fab Lab available to all the partners of the Digiscope project.
- National ANR Projects:
We received 2 projects: ANR FITOC , a 4 years “Starting Grant” project (ANR Jeune Chercheuse) obtained by Petra Isenberg on collaborative information visualization, and the 2 years EASEA-Cloud Infrastructure project obtained by Évelyne Lutton on multi-dimensional visualization for monitoring and steering high-performance evolutionary algorithms.
- European Project:
the 4 year CENDARI Infrastructure project on integrating digital archives and resources for research on European history.
- Publications:
this year, members of AVIZ collaborated on 24 publications overall and were present at all the most prestigious conferences in our fields: ACM CHI, ACM UIST, IEEE InfoVis, IEEE VAST.