Section: New Results
FocusLab Experimental Platform and Software
ATWUEDA based Clustering Approach for System Monitoring
Participant : Yves Lechevallier.
Progressive advances in hardware and software technologies have enabled the production and storage of system monitoring data streams in a wide range of fields (e.g. telecommunications, sensor networks, etc.). Traditional clustering methods are unable to deal with data of such a voluminous and dynamic nature. In this work [51] , we propose an efficient clustering approach (ATWUEDA) for monitoring massive time-changing data streams. This work considers a real case study on condition monitoring data streams of an electric power plant provided by EDF.
This work is done in collaboration with Alzennyr Da Silva of BILab laboratory (Telecom ParisTech and EDF R&D Common Laboratory)
FocusLab Experimental Platform (CPER Telius 2008-2012)
Participants : Xavier Augros, Mohamed Gaieb, Brigitte Trousse, Yves Lechevallier.
The FocusLab platform aims to be a major delivery mechanism of previous and current work in AxIS. It is a way to make methodological contributions (including software) available for the scientific community, but also a way for stimulating further research. This work has slowly started on the software part due to the absence of human resource funding and due to the absence of engineers in the team until 2010. Mid 2011, we started the specification and the development of a first version of a platform with three parts (hardware, software and methods) with the arrival of two engineers on the ELLIOT and TIC TAC contracts. A first version is available since the end of september as a Web portal and a second one is planned for the end of 2012 with advanced features for the software part (cf. service oriented platform, SOA architecture and interoperability).
Related to the software part we are in the process of developing several AxIS methods as Web services: we started with SCDS (cf. 5.2.3 ) which was demonstrated in the context of the MIDAS project on two applications (Orange labs mobile portal and vehicle trajectories) and in the ELLIOT platform (linked to the San rafaelle Hospital media use case) at the first review meeting (cf. ) applied on data issued from San Rafaelle Hospital use case. ATWUEDA (cf. 5.3.2 ), GEAR (Marascu's thesis) are under development as web services.
Our work on mining evolutive data (ATWUEDA) and data streams (such as SCDS) have been used in real applications in the context of Internet of things and sensors: ATWUEDA (system monitoring for EDF (cf. section 6.5.1 ) and SDMS (cf. section 5.2.3 ).