Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry
Participants : Pierre-Brice Wieber, Florence Descoubes, Vincent Acary, Gilles Daviet, Olivier Bonnefon, Jerome Malick, Claude Lemarechal, Bernard Brogliato.
anr Saladyn: Numerical tools for simulating dynamics systems in mechanics; Partners: INRIA Bipop, LMGC Montpellier, EdF, Schneider Electric.
FUI Romeo: Partners: Aldebaran Robotics, Acapela, As An Angel, INRIA, Institut de la Vision, LAAS, LIMSI, LIST, LISV, LPPA, Spirops, Telecom Paris Tech, Voxler.
anr Multiple Impact: INRIA Bipop, Peking's university PKU (State Key Laboratory for Turbulence and Complex Systems).
anr ChaSlim: Chattering Free Sliding Mode Control; Partners: INRIA Bipop, INRIA Non-A, IRCCYN Nantes.
EdF: Documentation of the noisedf software
L'OREAL: Contrat de recherche et de transfert with L'Oréal, performed from February to November 2011 for validating our model of frictional contact within large fiber assemblies.