Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Cedric Dumoulin was reviewers in the following revues or conferences:
ACM Computing Surveys,
MSR 11,
Abdoulaye Gamatié gave an invited talk at LCTES'11 on Model Driven Design Framework for Massively Parallel Embedded Systems. He was in the program committee of the LCTES'2011, MSR'2011 (PC Chair), ESLsyn'2011, ACCA'2011 and M-BED'2011 conferences. He was also organizing local chair of the MSR'2011 conference. He was member of a PhD thesis committee in 2011. Finally, he was member of the following selection committees in 2011: PhD candidates and Post-doctorates at INRIA Lille - Nord Europe, Associate Professor at IUT A - Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse.
Anne Etien was member of the program committee of ECMFA 2011, Inforsid 2011, the Model and Evolution Workshop organized jointly to the Models conference. She was also reviewer for the international Journal Sosym.
Pierre Boulet chaired and organized MBED'11 a workshop collocated with DATE'11, Grenoble, France, March 18, 2011 ( ). He was member of the program committee of RAPIDO'11. He has also reviewed papers for the Journal of Systems Architecture, for Design Automation for Embedded Systems and for the Software and System Modeling (SoSyM) journal. He was also a referee of three PhDs and two “habilitations à diriger des recherches” in 2011.
Laure Gonnord organised the workshop “Analyse to compile, compile to analyse” ( ) in April 2011 in Chamonix.
Vlad Rusu co-organised the 2nd Int. Workshop on Algebraic Methods for Model-based Software Engineering ( ) in Zürich, as well as the Ecole Jeunes Chercheurs en Programmation ( ) in Rennes and Dinard, in June 2011.
Vlad Rusu was referee for the PhDs of of Machiel vad der Bijl (Univ. Twente, the Netherlands) on Compositionality and Refinement on Model-Based Testing, and Adriàn Riesco (Univ. Madrid) on Debugging and Heteorgenous Verifications in Maude.
Frédéric Guyomarch gave an invited talk for the celebration of the 20th LERMA's birthday on the FIT solver for simulation of electromagnetic problems.
We have participated in the organisation of the “Journées sur l'Ingénierie Dirigée par les Modèles” (IDM Days), co-located with the “Journées du GDR Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel” (GDR GPL Days) ( ).
We also organized the 3rd Workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation: Methods and tools (Rapido’2011 )
DART project members co-organized (in cooperation with CEA and Polytechnico di Milano) the 3rd Rapido workshop on Saturday 22 Jan 2011in Heraklion, Crete, Greece. This workshop on Rapid Simulation and Performance Evaluation: Methods and tools ( ) occurred in conjunction with the 6th International Conference on High-Performance and Embedded Architectures and Compilers of the Hipeac FP7 network of excellence (NoE HiPEAC). More than 30 researchers attended the conference. Four talented invited speakers gave keynotes and 8 papers have been selected and presented in the workshop on different aspects of design and simulation of embedded systems.