Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community

  • D. Guiraud

    1. Associate editor for Journal of Neural Eng. and EMBC'11 conference

    2. Member of the steering committee of "Institut des Technologies pour la Santé"

    3. Chair of the Labex Numev "Aide à la personne malade et déficiente" specific action

  • C. Azevedo-Coste

    1. Board member of IFESS society (international functional electrical stimulation society)

    2. Associate Editor of Paladyn Behavioral Robotics Journal

    3. Invited Editor of Paladyn Behavioral Robotics Journal for the special issue on Rehabilitation Robotics

  • M. Hayashibe

    1. ICIRA2011 Program committe

    2. Organizer for Workshop on Robotics for Neurology and Rehabilitation, IEEE IROS2011, San Francisco, California

  • D. Andreu

    1. Co-organizer of the french working group on Control Architectures of Robots of the french GdR Robotique

    2. assitant manager of the Robotic Department (LIRMM)

    3. member of the Program Comittee of CAR’11

    4. member of the Scientific Comittee of JNRR'11

  • F. Soulier

    1. Local coordinator of the Belem (BioElectronics for Medical Engineering) intensive programme for the University of Montpellier 2. Belem is funded by the European Community in the framework of the Erasmus programme.