Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry


Participants : Isabelle Chrisment [contact] , Andrea Oroseanu.


April 2010 - December 2011



ACDA P2P (Approche collaborative pour la detection d'attaques dans les reseaux pair a pair) is a research project funded by the GIS 3SGS which aims at strengthening and developing a multidisciplinary community in the field of the surveillance, of the safety and of the safety(security) of the big systems.

The goal of this project is to propose a new monitoring architecture, which is able to observe the peers behavior and to collect measurements relevant to detect attacks while not being intrusive and detectable. KAD and BitTorrent will be studied as target P2P networks.

We focus more specifically on collaboration between distributed probes in charge of directly detecting attacks if possible, or collecting data for a further analyzis. This collaboration induces new challenges:

  • coordination of collected measurements in order to have a global view of the network;

  • design of indicators revealing a malicious behavior;

  • optimization of data collection through learning methods;

  • security issues to avoid vulnerabilities and weaknesses.