Section: Software


Participants : Laurent Ciarletta, Julien Siebert [main developer] .

This work has been undertaken in a joint Phd Thesis between the Madynes and MAIA Teams. Vincent Chevrier (MAIA team, LORIA) has been the co-advisor of this PhD and correspondant for this software.

AA4MM (Agents and Artefacts for Multi-modeling and Multi-simulation) is a framework for coupling existing and heterogeneous models and simulators in order to model and simulate complex systems. This is the first implementation of the AA4MM meta-model proposed in Julien Siebert's PhD. It is written in Java and relies upon Java Messaging Services (JMS) for its distributed version.

AA4MM can be downloaded at http://www.loria.fr/~siebertj/aa4mm/index.html .