Section: New Results
Participants : Cyril Auburtin, Alexandre Boeglin [contact] , Olivier Festor.
The goal of the SensAS ADT, which started in 2011, is to propose applications based on wireless sensor networks, building upon work that has been done through the SensLab and SensTools projects.
The Madynes team is responsible of the SensMGT part of the SensAS project, which focuses on sensor network management and configuration applications.
First, we adapted the existing contiki-snmp implementation to the SensLab WSN430 nodes. We did so by (1) reducing the memory footprint of the code and (2) by implementing several SNMP MIBs.
To reduce the memory footprint, we had to disable some optional features and unused drivers of the Contiki OS.
The MIBs that we chose to implement were:
the SNMPv2-MIB that provides generic system information,
the IF-MIB that provides information ans stasistics about the network interface of the sensor,
and the ENTITY-SENSOR-MIB, that provides access to the actual sensors data.
Then, we were facing a problem, as the Contiki versions provided by the SensTools project were only stable releases, and we found it difficult to track the development version of Contiki with them. We then decided to create our own WSN430 drivers and platform definition for Contiki, well integrated with the development repository, and reusing as much as possible of already existing code. Our next step in this direction will be to have our contribution officially integrated in the Contiki OS.
And finally, we devised and implemented a COAP server discovery protocol using the piggybacking technique, which allows every node that offers COAP resources to announce itself to the grounded root of the sensor network, without requiring the transmission of additional packets.