Section: Contracts and Grants with Industry


Participants : Rémi Badonnel, Oussema Dabbebi, Olivier Festor [Contact] .


July 2008 - December 2011


Alcatel Lucent, INRIA.

This joint lab brings together research teams from INRIA and Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs for addressing the key challenges of autonomous networking in three critical areas: semantic networking, high manageability and self-organized networks. Our activity is part of the joint initiative dedicated to high manageability, and focuses on security management aspects with the Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs teams on network security. Our work in this joint lab concerns the automation of security management. It includes a first activity related to fuzzing, which includes the improvement of the KiF framework as well as the design of novel fuzzing models for Alcatel-Lucent specific protocols. A second activity of the joint lab aims at investigating to what extent risk management strategies can be applied to VoIP infrastructures. The objective is to design and experiment dynamic risk management methods and techniques for voice oriented critical services.