Team Serpico

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Team Serpico

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Software

PBED: Patch-based event detection

Participant : Charles Kervrann.

The pbed software written in c ++ automatically quantifies in space and time the number of sudden and transient events observed in fluorescence (WF, TIRF) microscopy. The algorithm parameters are calibrated from the comparison of image patches expected to distinguish sudden appearing/vanishing fluorescent spots/particles from other motion behaviors such as lateral movements [1] and [23] . Two statistical procedures are proposed respectively to control the number of false alarms (Benjamini-Hochsberg, Bonferonni). The algorithm is mainly used to statistically explore the effect of several biological perturbations on the rate of transient events detected on the pilot biological model (e.g. Langerin-YFP endocytic-recycling trans-membrane protein).

Partners: J. Boulanger, A. Gidon, A. Chessel, B. Cinquin, J. Salamero (UMR 144 CNRS Institut Curie)