Section: Software
HullkGround: Background subtraction by convex hull estimation
Participant : Charles Kervrann.
The HullkGround software (APP deposit number: IDDN.FR.001.400005.000.S.P.2009.000.21000) written in java (plug-in ImageJ ( ) decomposes a fluorescence microscopy image sequence into two dynamic components: i/ an image sequence showing mobile objects; ii/ an image sequence showing the slightly moving background. Each temporal signal of the sequence is processed individually and analyzed with computational geometry tools. The convex hull is estimated automatically for each pixel and subtracted to the original signal. The method is unsupervised, requires no parameter tuning and is a simplified version of the shapes-based scale-space method [24] .
Partners: A. Chessel and J. Salamero (UMR 144 CNRS Institut Curie)