Section: Dissemination
Animation of the scientific community
Technical program committees of conferences
Journal reviewing
Charles Kervrann: reviewer in 2011 for Image and Vision Computing, Medical Image Analysis, BMC Biophysics, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision.
Pierre Hellier: reviewer in 2011 for Medical image Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Journal of Real-time Image processing, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery.
Patrick Bouthemy: reviewer in 2011 for for International Journal of Computer Vision, International Journal of Robotics Research, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Traitement du Signal.
PhD and HdR jury
Charles Kervrann: L. Pizarro supervised by J. Weickert, (PhD, reviewer, University of Saarland, Germany), N. Noury supervised by M.O. Berger and F. Sur (PhD, reviewer, University of Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1), B. Cinquin supervised by J. Salamero and M. Réfrégiers (PhD, member of the jury, University of Paris-Diderot), J. Delon (HdR, member of the jury, ENS Cachan).
Patrick Bouthemy: M. Primet supervised by L. Moisan (PhD, reviewer, University of Paris 5), C. Guilmart supervised par S. Herbin (PhD, reviewer, ENS Cachan), A. Dame supervised by E. Marchand (PhD, president of the jury, University of Rennes 1), C. Wang supervised by N. Paragios (PhD, member of the jury, Ecole Centrale Paris), R. Perrier supervised by P. Sturm (PhD, member of the jury, Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes), T. Corpetti (HdR, member of the jury, University of Rennes 1).
Participations in seminars, invitations, awards
Charles Kervrann was invited to give a talk entitled "Change detection methods in fluorescence live cell imaging for sub-cellular trafficking analysis” at the “BioImage Informatics II” conference, Janelia Farm, Howard Hugues Medical Institute, Ashburn, VA, November 2011.
P. Bouthemy gave a talk entitled “Conditional mixed-state MRF for simultaneous motion detection and background image reconstruction” at the seminar "Hidden Markov Models and extensions" of GDR ISIS, March 2011.
Charles Kervrann:
member of the IEEE BISP “Biomedical Image and Signal Processing” committee
member of executive board of the GdR 2588 (“Microscopie Fonctionelle du Vivant”) CNRS
member of the executive board of the project committee of the Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique centre
member of the 2011 CORDIS post-doctoral fellowships committee (Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique centre)
member of the Scientific Council of the INRA Rennes Research Centre
deputy-head of the GIS Europia ( ) (imagery plateform, University of Rennes 1)
Pierre Hellier
consultancy work for Syneika startup
member of the Inria committee for communication and the Inria committee for technological development
Patrick Bouthemy
Director of the Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique centre until 30/09/2011
deputy member of the board of directors and member of the Selection and Validation Committee of the Images & Réseaux competitivity cluster
member of the board of AFRIF (Association Francaise pour la Reconnaissance et l'Interprétation des Formes) and of Association GRETSI (Groupement de Recherche en Traitement du Signal et des Images)
Other activities
serpico is involved in the french network GdR ISIS “Information, Signal and Images” CNRS and in the french network GdR 2588 “Microscopie Fonctionelle du Vivant” CNRS.
serpico organized the GdR 2558-ISIS/GIS Europia meeting on “Image Processing in Biological Imaging” at the Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique centre on November 2011.