Team Serpico

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Team Serpico

Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination


Charles Kervrann:

  • Master 2 Recherche SISEA: “Geometric modelling for shapes and images”, 5 hours, University of Rennes 1

  • Engineer Degree ENSAI: “Statistical models and image analysis”, 20 hours, Ecole National de la Statistique et de l'Analyse de l'Information, Bruz

Patrick Bouthemy:

  • Master 2 Recherche SISEA : “Analysis of image sequences”, 14 hours, University of Rennes 1

  • Engineer Degree and Master 2 Recherche IRIV : “Motion analysis”, 11 hours, ENSPS, University of Strasbourg

PhD & HdR:

  • PhD in progress : Philippe Roudot, “Lifetime estimation of moving vesicles in FLIM microscopy”, started in October 2010, supervised by Charles Kervrann and Francois Waharte (UMR 144 CNRS PICT Institut Curie)

  • PhD in progress : Denis Fortun, “Optical flow computing, aggregation methods and statistical methods: application to time-lapse fluorescence microscopy”, started in October 2010, supervised by Charles Kervrann