Section: Members

Research Scientists

Claire Gardent [Team Leader, Senior Research, CNRS (SHS Department), HdR]

Carlos Areces [Junior Researcher, INRIA (On sabatical leave 2010-04-01 / 2011-04-01, on leave since 2011-04-01)]

Faculty Members

Lotfi Bellalem [PRAG, ESIAL, UHP Nancy 1]

Nadia Bellalem [Associate Professor, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, University of Nancy 2]

Samuel Cruz-Lara [Associate Professor, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, University of Nancy 2]

Christine Fay-Varnier [Associate Professor, School of Geology, INPL]

Jean-Charles Lamirel [Associate Professor, IUT Robert Schuman, University of Strasbourg, HdR]

Fabienne Venant [Associate Professor, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, University of Nancy 2. On parental leave from 2010-06-01]

Technical Staff

Emmanuel Didiot [INRIA Engineer on CPER MISN/TALC, from 2010-12-01.]

German Kruszewski [Engineer on INTERREG IV A Allegro project, from 2011-09-15.]

Treveur Bretaudiere [INRIA Engineer on ADT MoViTAL, from 2010-12-01]

PhD Students

Corinna Anderson [Yale University, USA]

Ingrid Falk [University of Nancy 2, SemBySem and Allegro project, from 2008-10-01 until 2011-09-30]

Laura Perez [University of Nancy 2, Ministry grant, from 2009-10-01 until 2012-10-01]

Alejandra Lorenzo [UHP Nancy 1, Région/ALLEGRO Interreg IV A project, from 2010-10-15]

Shashi Narayan [UHP Nancy 1, Ministry Grant, from 2011-10-01]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Marilisa Amoia [Postdoc on INTERREG IV A Allegro project, from 2011-01-01 till 2011-08-31.]

Alexandre Denis [Postdoc on ANR CCCP Project, from 2008-03-01 till 2012-03-15]

Lina-Maria Rojas Barahona [Postdoc on EUROSTAR Emospeech project, from 2010-12-01.]

Administrative Assistant

Isabelle Blanchard