Section: Overall Objectives


The work of the TALARIS team can be subdivided into four overlapping and mutually supporting categories.

Computational Semantics. This theme is devoted to the theoretical and computational issues involved in building semantic representations for natural language. Special emphasis is placed on developing large scale semantic coverage for the French Language.

Discourse, Dialogue and Pragmatics. This theme is devoted to developing theoretical and computational models of discourse and dialogue processing, and investigating the inferential impact of pragmatic factors (that is, the factors affecting how human beings actually use language).

Logics for Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. The theme is devoted to theoretical and computational tools for working with logics suitable for natural language inference and knowledge representation. Special emphasis is place on hybrid logic, higher order logic, and discourse representation theory (DRT).

Multilinguality for Multimedia. This theme is devoted to creating generic ISO-based mechanisms for representing and dealing with multilingual textual information. The center of this activity is the MLIF (Multi Lingual Information Framework) specification platform for elementary multilingual units.