Section: Dissemination


  • Licence: Découverte de l'informatique, 160 h, L1, UHP Nancy, France

  • Licence: Conception et développement, 120h, L1/L2, Ecole Superieur D'informatique Appliquée De Lorraine (ESIAL), Nancy, France

  • Licence: Conception de systèmes d'informations, 120h, Ecole Superieur D'informatique Appliquée De Lorraine (ESIAL), Nancy, France

  • Licence: Système de Gestion de Base de données, 70 h, L1, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, Nancy, France.

  • Licence: Java Language Programming. 60 hours, DUT Informatique, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, University of Lorraine, France.

  • Licence: C Language Programming. 30 hours, DUT Informatique, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, University of Lorraine, France.

  • Licence: Web-based Mobile Applications (HTML5 and CSS3). 30 hours, LP CISII, IUT Nancy-Charlemagne, University of Lorraine, France.

  • Master: Cognitive Sciences and Digital Media Technologies. 22 hours, Cognitive Sciences, University of Lorraine, France.

  • Master: Declarative Languages and Multimedia Applications. 40 hours, Cognitive Sciences, University of Lorraine, France.

  • Master: Video: Streaming and Captioning. 12 hours, Cognitive Sciences, University of Lorraine, France.

  • Master: An Introduction to Virtual Worlds and Natural Language Processing. 12 hours, Cognitive Sciences, University of Lorraine, France.

  • Master: Données semi-structurées, 30 h, M1, UHP Nancy, France.

  • Master: Text Mining techniques applied to Linguistics, 20 h, M2, University of Alger, Algeria

  • Research project tutoring, Erasmus Mundus Master Computer of sciences UHP

  • Master: Software Project for NLP Applications, 10 hours, M2, Université Nancy 2, France.

  • Master: Conférence de Rentrée, 3 hours, M1 et M2, ENS Cachan.

  • PhD in progress : Ingrid Falk, “Lexicon and Ontology”. PhD in Computer Science. Université de Nancy 2 (France). From 15.10.2008. Supervisors: Claire Gardent and Samuel Cruz-Lara

  • PhD in progress : Laura Perez-Beltrachini. “Large scale surface realisation”. Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy. From 15.10.2009. Supervisor: Claire Gardent

  • PhD in progress : Alejandra Lorenzo, “Improving interpretation robustness and increasing system adaptivity in dialogue based, language learning systems”. Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy. From 15.10.2010. Supervisors: Claire Gardent and Christophe Cerisara

  • PhD in progress : Shashi Narayan, “Adaptive Generation”. Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy. From 15.10.2011. Supervisor: Claire Gardent.