Section: Software

tl_dv2_ladl, a subcategorisation lexicon for French verbs.

Participant : Ingrid Falk [correspondent] .

tl_dv2_ladl is a subcategorisation lexicon for French verbs produced by merging three lexicons which were built or validated manually: Dicovalence (version 2), TreeLex and the LADL tables. tl_dv2_ladl lists subcategorisation frames for 5918 French verbs. An entry in the lexicon consists of a verb and an associated subcategorisation frame whereby each subcategorisation frame describes a set of syntactic arguments with each argument being described by a grammatical function and a syntactic category. Each entry also gives the original lexical resource the information was extracted from. tl_dv2_ladl can be downloaded from http://talc.loria.fr/tl_dv2_ladl-a-subcategorisation.html .

  • Version: 0.1