Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
ANR PIMI (2010 - 2013)
Participants : Claudia Detraux, Dominique Scapin [correspondant] .
Others partners: LRI, IRIT, Institut Telecom, Montimage, The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
Abstract: PIMI Project aims at the definition of a design environment and a deployment platform for Personal Information Management system (PIM). The future PIM must provide the end-user personal data access with services that are relevant to his needs. In order to take mobility into account, the PIM will be accessed both by mobile devices (smartphone) and personal computers.
The main contributions this year are described in Section 6.4.1 .
FIU FIORA (2012-2015)
Participants : Yves Lechevallier [correspondant] , Thierry Despeyroux.
Other partners: Editions SOLAR, Mondeca, Inria (AxIS), ISEP, UNiversity of Paris XIII
Abstract: This project aims the design and the development of FIORA an engine offering personnalised content. Perosnnalisation will be based on context parameters related to the user and avalaible semantic information.The main result will be to develop an engine merging case-based reasoning technics, recommandation technics based on collaborative filtering and data mining.The proof concept will be experimented in two domains: a) Nutrition and Health (use of the cohort Nutrinet with more than 200 users) and b) e-tourism.
This project starts at the end of 2012.
Competitivity Clusters
Cap Digital: B. Trousse was reviewer for the selection of proposals for Cap Digital competitively cluster related to the call for Projects “Expérimentation in situ et in vivo de projets” (deadline : September 19th) of Paris Region.
SCS and Cap Energies: B. Trousse was invited for a talk on Ecoffices: the usages aspect during a meeeting (April 19th, Brignoles) of the working group Smart grid in PACA (common to two clusters, SCS and Cap Energies clusters).
France Living Labs
The French Network of Living Labs has created the association named "France Living Labs" (F2L) in order to promote the French Living and to facilitate user-driven open innovation on a national level. From the first ENoLL wave in 2006, the French network of living labs has grown from one ENoLL accredited living lab to 47 living labs up to this date after the ENoLL 6th Wave of Call for Membership applications.
The French Network of Living Labs have had annual meetings since 2008. Due the growing number of the French network of living labs, a majority of living labs (25 among 36) has decided to create an association on March 2012 in order to support operations of its members, mainly for common international/European projects, b) to animate the network, promoting the concept of living lab, supporting the sharing of methods and tools and c) to promote the ENoLL label and the Living lab approach by organizing various events and to finally contributing to the maturity of Living Labs European initiative by capitalizing knowledge and experiences and to support the defining KPI indicators for impact assessment of a Living Lab.
ENoLL and France Living Labs are looking into opportunities of closer communication and cooperation in their activities and initiatives through meetings, exchanging of information, knowledge, experiences and best practice. This will be done through signing a formal cooperation agreement (MoU).
B. Trousse (Inria) and A. Zarli (CSTB) are the official representatives of the ICT Usage Living Lab which is a founding member of France Living Labs and member of the administration council. Brigitte Trousse was elected President of the Association in the adminsitration council of april 2012. The association wrote a press communication on June 18.
Three Council Meetings: august (Universcience, Paris), may and october (Inria, Paris).