Section: New Results
Participants : Julien Pettré [contact] , Richard Kulpa, Anne-Hélène Olivier, Samuel Lemercier, Jonathan Perrinet, Kevin Jordao.
A realistic model of following behaviors in crowds
Following is an important type of interactions between individuals in crowds. In uni- or bidirectionnal pedestrian traffic, density prevent people from overtaking and going through the crowd: they just start following each other. Based on some experiments performed in the frame of the national project ANR-PEDIGREE, we elaborated a model for simulating following behavior with a very high level of realism. Contributions were presented in [9] . Especially, realism was evaluated both at the microscopic scale and at the macroscopic scale. At the microscopic scale, we carefully reproduce how human do control their motion to follow another walker. At the macroscopic scale, we focused on the emergence of stop-and-go waves that emerge from such traffic. Detailed analysis of experimental data analysis is described in 2 papers in Physical Review E: [15] and [35] .