Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence :

    • Arshia Cont, Audio Technology Review, 2h/week, 3rd year Bachelors, Conservatoire Nationale Supérieure de la Musique et de la Danse de Paris (CNSMDP), Métier du Son, Paris, France.

  • Master :

    • Arshia Cont, Machine Learning for Music, 18h, Master ATIAM, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), Paris, France.


  • PhD : Arnaud Dessein, Computational methods of information geometry with real-time applications in audio signal processing, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC), December 2012, Arshia Cont (co-directed with Gérard Assayag, IRCAM).

  • PhD in progress :

    • José Echeveste, Synchronous Languages for Computer Music Composition and Performance, Started September 2011, co-directed by Jean-Louis Giavitto and Arshia Cont.


  • Arshia Cont participated in the defense committee for Augustin Lefèvre, “Dictionary learning methods for single-channel audio source separation”, ENS Cachan, September 2012.

  • Arshia Cont participated in the defense committee for Mauricio Toro, “Structured Interactive Scores”, University of Bordeaux 1 (LaBRI), September 2012.

  • Florent Jacquemard was a examinator for the PhD of Hèdi Benzina, “Enforcing Virtualized Systems Security”, ENS Cachan (LSV), December 2012.

  • Jean-Louis Giavitto was a reviewer for the thesis of:

    • Héctor Fernández, “Flexible Coordination through the Chemical Metaphor for Service Infrastructures”, University of Rennes 1 (IRISA), June 2012.

    • Jose David Fernández Rodríguez, “The Evolution of Diversity in the Structure and Function of Artificial Organisms”, Universidad de Maálaga, Spain, January 2012.