Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

CPER Telius - FocusLab Platform (2010 - 2013)

Participant : Brigitte Trousse [correspondent] .

This grant, funded by Regional and European support, covers several areas. AxIS is being funded through the experimental platform on the usage of information systems called Focus (and renamed FocusLab). Our goal is to support the observation and analysis of user behaviors within ICT-based experimental projects adoptng a user driven approach. Hardware, software and documentation are proposed within this platform (http://focuslab.inria.fr ).

Let us cite AxIS projects which used FocusLab platform: TIC TAC, ECOFFICES, ECOFAMILIES and ELLIOT. In addition to AxIS, others Inria teams (WIMMICS,REVES,MAESTRO,PLANETE) and external organisations or teams (I3M laboratory from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, CSTB Sophia Antipolis, the Ergonauts Association, two Elliot partners) have used elements of FocusLab.

Labex UCN@Sophia

Participant : Brigitte Trousse [correspondent] .

  • Title: User-Centered Network

  • URL: http://www.ucnlab.eu/node/5

  • Instrument: Labex

  • Coordinator: University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis

  • Others partners: I3S (UNS / CNRS), LEAT (UNS / CNRS), Inria, EURECOM

  • Abstract: The Labex UCN@Sophia proposes a research program for researchers of the ICT Campus at Sophia Antipolis, program motivated by a vision which positions the user at the centre of the network. Five scientific and strategic directions are proposed: a) Data Centric Networking, b) Distributed and Ubiquitous Computing, c) Security, privacy and network neutrality, d) Infrastructures: Heterogeneity and Efficiency and e) Energy Efficiency. Two application domains have been selected: Homecare services for persons with reduced autonomy and Intelligent Transport Systems.

    See : http://www.ucnlab.eu/

AxIS research aimed mainly several of the addressed domains and research of user-centred design and co-creation with users (cf. Sections  4.2 and 4.4 ).

ICT Usage Lab: collaboration with University of Nice Sophia Antipolis

Participants : Brigitte Trousse [correspondent] , Céline Lacroix.

In 2013 we had many activities.

First ICT Usage Lab started its involvement in EIT KIC Labs via three funded tasks (see Sections  8.3.3 , 8.3.5 and 8.3.4 ). We describe the Experience & living labs facilities and services offered by EIT partners of ICT Usage Lab based on the EIT ICT Labs template elaborated by E&LL research catalyst (cf. Section  8.3.3 ).

This year was the occasion for Inria to collaborate for the first time in the context of EIT KIC Labs with researchers from University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis:

  • I3S laboratory - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis: F. Baude (EIT contact) from OASIS research-team project on one KIC ICT Labs task (cf. Section  8.3.4 ),

  • I3M laboratory - University of Nice Sophia Antipolis: C. Lacroix (ICT Usage lab contact), F. Debos and P. Rasse (leader) related to two KIC ICT labs Call 2013 submissions: TravelDashBoard2 leaded by Thales including Arles Inria research-team and CityCrowdSource2 leaded by Loria (Madynes Inria research team-project) following the 2013 activity we have supported (cf. Section ell).

Secondly as supporting partner of the European IDeALL project, we prepared a presentation of Ecofamilies and ELLIoT projects for a France Living Labs talk at the last IDeALL meeting (Barcelona) in January 2014.

Inria and ICT Usage Lab are official partners of the Innovative City Convention event from 2012 (Nice Côte d'Azur): http://www.innovative-city.fr/partenaires/partners/ . In this context we invited three speakers: in 2012 Michael Nilsson (CDT, Lulea, Finland) and Khaldoun El Agha (ICT Labs - EIT, Paris) and in 2013 Jarmo Eskelinen (Forium Virium Helsinki, ENoLL).

Thirdly the EllIoT project via Green Services Use case (2011-2013) was rich in a lot of new assets for ICT Usage Lab (cf. Section 8.3.1 ):

  • IoT: Constitution of a pollution IoT database from ICT Usage Lab citizen mobile and fixed sensors with around 4 millions of pollution measures,

  • IoT: Interesting ideas (issued from co-creation workshops) of new smart objects (mainly for asthmatic people) and user feedback on the green watch,

  • IoT: Acquisition of four types of pollution stations,

  • IoT: Three improved IoT user guides of our ICT Usage Lab stations,

  • IoT: A first validation of our prototype of a new low cost dust (PM10) station (with Rasburry and Arduino),

  • Citizen Sensing: MyGreenServices platform (cf. Section 6.5.1 ),

  • User production: Qualitative database based on User productions,

  • User production: Usage database issued from logs of MyGreenServices portal,

  • Knowledge: Improved know-how in modeling and measuring user experience of an IoT-based service based on KSB UX model and FocusLab advanced data analysis methods (cf. Section 6.5.3 ,

  • Knowledge: Development of a new version (v1.3) of Focuslab server (cf. Section 6.6 ),

  • Knowledge: Elaboration and test of two new Ideation methods (Aloha!, GenIoT).

We pursued our informal contacts with Noel Conryut from the living lab "UR.LL.TL" for Teaching and Learning (Island of the Reunion) and with the urban community CINOR related to the deployment of LL projects on this territory.

Finally various tutorials related to Focuslab hardware and software (cf. Section  6.6 ) have been organised and proposed to Inria members and collaborators (I3S and I3M laboratories from University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, CSTB, CHU Nice). B. Senach took contact with C. Tallec from Utilisacteur in order to plan in the future a workshop about Participative Service Design in Sophia Antipolis.

Collaboration Agorantic-Inria

Participants : Guillaume Pilot, Bernard Senach, Brigitte Trousse.

As the craze for culture and exhibition is increasing, museums have to deal with crowds, stronger expectations about information quality and quantity and requirements for planned personalized visits.

A collaboration began this year between ICT and HSS teams from Agorantic and Inria Sophia Antipolis, including AxIS, Maestro and Wimmics, conducting interdisciplinary ICT-HSS research. This initial collaboration resulted in setting up a ANR proposal of a project for analyzing, designing, and evaluating a recommendation system helping visitors (or groups of visitors) to follow through a museum a tailored path within an exhibition, according to their specific profile. In this ANR proposal called SyReMuse ("Système de recommandation pour la visite des musées et des expositions"), AxIS researchers were involved in the modelling of the visitors (or group of visitors)' cultural experience which will support the design and evaluation of the recommender system and in specifying recommendation computation. A preliminary study of the logs from the Web site of Grenoble Museum (France) providing recommendations according to types of user profiles (families, professionals, students, scholars and groups) has been made in order to better evaluate the research problem to be addressed.

A Inria collaborative project (named "Color") proposal for 2014 is under preparation as a first step of our collaboration.

Involvement in Regions

PACA Region

  • B. Trousse was invited at the strategical orientation committee of the PACALABS instrument (PACA Region, Marseille, June 12th) about the evaluation of the 4 past yeras of Pacalabs and to prepare the programme of the next PACALABS

  • B. Trousse for ICT Usage lab has increased contacts with University of Nice Sophia Antipolis (mainly the laboratories I3M via Céline Lacroix and Paul Rasse et I3S via Françoise Baude) disseminating the living lab approach and involving them as ICTUL partners for two KIC ICT Labs 2013 Call submissions (TraveldashBoard2, CityCrowdSource2).

  • Green Services use case from the European Elliot project was deployed in Nice Côte d'Azur with several experiments

  • Participation in the organisation of invited talks of the Innovative City Convention (Nice, 2012).

Midi Pyrénées Region

  • AxIS (C. Detraux and D. L. Scapin) are involved in ANR-PIMI project (cf. Sections  8.2.1 and 6.4.1 ) where the Midi-Pyrénées region and IUT Tarbes are pilot-partners.