Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • The members of the team are regular reviewers for international journals and conferences in applied mathematics, biomedical engineering, cardiac electrophysiology, and electrocardiography.

  • N. Zemzemi was a member of the Inria delegation at the India-France technology summit, New delhi, October 23-24th, 2013.

  • Y. Coudière did participate to the organization of the First Scientific Workshop of the LIRYC, October, 24-25th, 2014.

  • Y. Coudière is a member of the Scientific Committee of the international conference on « Finite Volume for Complex Application », to be held in Berlin, June, 2014, www.wias-berlin.de/workshops/fvca7 .

  • Y. Coudière is a member of CAIMS, The Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society, and presented the work of Carmen during the CAIMS conference in Québec, June, 2013.

  • Y. Coudière is the scientific coordinator of the ANR research project HR-CEM.

  • S. Labarthe presented the work of Carmen based on HPC solvers at the PlaRim day, April, 2014, LABRI, Bordeaux.

  • S. Labarthe presented his work at the « Printemps de la Cardiologie », the national conference of the French Cardioolgist Society, held in April 2013 in Marseille, and was invited to the symposium “AF: Clinical challenges for biophysical modelling” in London, June, 2013.