Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits of International Scientists
Y. Bourgault, Pr. University of Ottawa, Department of mathematics and statistics. Invited researcher for 2 months, 1/10/2013 to 30/11/2013.
Comparison between the monodomain and bidomain models for cardiac electrophysiology, and design of an optimalmonodomain aprroximation of the nidomain equations.
In July, 2013, B. Smaill, Professor at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute (ABI) and leader of the Cardiac Electrophysiology group, and M. Nash, Professor and Associate Director of the ABI, visited the LIRYC Institute, including a visit to our team Carmen and rich exchanges about our approaches of modelling and the role of experimental data.
Mohamed Jebalia, Assistant professor, ENIT (Tunisia), researcher from the LAMSIN, May toJuly 2013.
Internships – Visiting PhD Students
Laura Bear, October to December 2013, was co-localized between the LIRYC and Inria.
Institution: University of Auckland (New Zealand), Auckland Bioengineering Institute
Subject: Laura started to work on our inverse solutions for the cardiac electrical imaging problem using the datasets obtained during the first two years of her PhD at the Auckland Bioengineering Institute. The objective is to investigate the possibility and limitations of cardiac non-invasive electrical imaging.