
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1D. Agarwal, J. Araujo, C. Caillouet, F. Cazals, D. Coudert, S. Perennes.

    Connectivity Inference in Mass Spectrometry based Structure Determination, in: European Symposium on Algorithms, Sophia-Antipolis, France, France, H. Bodlaender, G. Italiano (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS, Springer, 2013, vol. 8125, pp. 289-300. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40450-4_25 ]

  • 2E. Altman, P. Nain, J.-C. Bermond.

    Distributed Storage Management of Evolving Files in Delay Tolerant Ad Hoc Networks, in: INFOCOM 2009, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009, pp. 1431 - 1439.

  • 3J.-C. Bermond, D. Coudert, J. Moulierac, S. Pérennes, I. Sau, F. Solano Donado.

    GMPLS Label Space Minimization through Hypergraph Layouts, in: Theoretical Computer Science, July 2012, vol. 444, pp. 3-16.

  • 4J.-C. Bermond, F. Ergincan, M. Syska.

    Line Directed Hypergraphs, in: Quisquater Festschrift, D. Naccache (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, vol. 6805, pp. 25-34.

  • 5L. Blin, J. Burman, N. Nisse.

    Exclusive Graph Searching, in: 21st European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2013), Sophia Antipolis, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science / ARCoSS, Springer, 2013, vol. LNCS 8125, pp. 181-192.

  • 6C. Caillouet, S. Pérennes, H. Rivano.

    Framework for Optimizing the Capacity of Wireless Mesh Networks, in: Computer Communications, 2011, vol. 34, no 13, pp. 1645-1659.

  • 7N. Cohen, D. Coudert, D. Mazauric, N. Nepomuceno, N. Nisse.

    Tradeoffs in process strategy games with application in the WDM reconfiguration problem, in: Theoretical Computer Science (TCS), August 2011, vol. 412, no 35, pp. 4675-4687.

  • 8F. V. Fomin, P. Fraigniaud, N. Nisse.

    Nondeterministic Graph Searching: From Pathwidth to Treewidth, in: Algorithmica, 2009, vol. 53, no 3, pp. 358-373.

  • 9F. Giroire.

    Order statistics and estimating cardinalities of massive data sets, in: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2009, vol. 157, no 2, pp. 406-427.

  • 10F. Giroire, D. Mazauric, J. Moulierac.

    Energy Efficient Routing by Switching-Off Network Interfaces, in: Energy-Aware Systems and Networking for Sustainable Initiatives, N. Kaabouch, W.-C. Hu (editors), IGI Global, 2012, pp. 207-236.

  • 11S. Guillemot, F. Havet, C. Paul, A. Perez.

    On the (non-)existence of polynomial kernels for P_l-free edge modification problems, in: Algorithmica, 2013, vol. 65, no 4, pp. 900-926.

  • 12F. Havet, B. Reed, J.-S. Sereni.

    Griggs and Yeh's Conjecture and L(p,1)-labelings, in: Siam Journal on Discrete Mathematics, February 2012, vol. 26, no 1, pp. 145–168.

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 13R. Modrzejewski.

    Distribution et stockage dans les réseaux, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, October 2013.

  • 14R. Pardo Soares.

    Jeux de poursuite-évasion, décompositions et convexité dans les graphes, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis and Universidade federal do Ceará, November 2013.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 15L. Addario-Berry, F. Havet, C. Linhares Sales, B. Reed, S. Thomassé.

    Oriented trees in digraphs, in: Discrete Mathematics, 2013, vol. 313, no 8, pp. 967-974. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.disc.2013.01.011 ]

  • 16J. Araujo, V. Campos, F. Giroire, N. Nisse, L. Sampaio, R. Soares.

    On the hull number of some graph classes, in: Theoretical Computer Science, January 2013, vol. 475, pp. 1-12. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.tcs.2012.12.035 ]

  • 17J. Araujo, C. Linhares Sales.

    A Hajós-like theorem for weighted coloring, in: Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society, January 2013, vol. 19, no 3, pp. 275-278. [ DOI : 10.1007/s13173-012-0098-y ]

  • 18J.-C. Bermond, M. Cosnard, S. Pérennes.

    Directed acyclic graphs with the unique dipath property, in: Theoretical Computer Science, September 2013, vol. 504, pp. 5-11. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.tcs.2012.06.015 ]

  • 19J.-C. Bermond, L. Gargano, S. Pérennes, A. Rescigno, U. Vaccaro.

    Optimal Time Data Gathering in Wireless Networks with Multidirectional Antennas, in: Journal of Theoretical Computer Science, October 2013, vol. 509, pp. 122-139. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.tcs.2013.03.017 ]

  • 20J.-C. Bermond, R. Klasing, N. Morales, S. Pérennes, P. Reyes.

    Gathering radio messages in the path, in: Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications, March 2013, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 1-28. [ DOI : 10.1142/S1793830913500043 ]

  • 21S. Bessy, F. Havet.

    Enumerating the edge-colourings and total colourings of a regular graph, in: Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2013, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 523-535. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10878-011-9448-5 ]

  • 22V. Campos, F. Havet, R. Sampaio, A. Silva.

    Backbone colouring: Tree backbones with small diameter in planar graphs, in: Theoretical Computer Science, 2013, vol. 487, pp. 50-64. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.tcs.2013.03.003 ]

  • 23V. Campos, C. Linhares Sales, A. K. Maia, R. Sampaio.

    Maximization Coloring Problems on graphs with few P4s, in: Discrete Applied Mathematics, February 2014, vol. 164, no 2, pp. 539-546. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.dam.2013.10.031 ]

  • 24S. Caron, F. Giroire, D. Mazauric, J. Monteiro, S. Pérennes.

    P2P Storage Systems: Study of Different Placement Policies, in: Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, March 2013. [ DOI : 10.1007/s12083-013-0203-9 ]

  • 25S. Guillemot, F. Havet, C. Paul, A. Perez.

    On the (non-)existence of polynomial kernels for P_l-free edge modification problems, in: Algorithmica, 2013, vol. 65, no 4, pp. 900-926.

  • 26F. Havet, L. Sampaio.

    On the Grundy and b-chromatic numbers of a graph, in: Algorithmica, 2013, vol. 65, no 4, pp. 885-899.

  • 27F. Havet, X. Zhu.

    The game Grundy number of graphs, in: Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2013, vol. 25, no 4, pp. 752-765. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10878-012-9513-8 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 28D. Agarwal, J. Araujo, C. Caillouet, F. Cazals, D. Coudert, S. Perennes.

    Connectivity Inference in Mass Spectrometry based Structure Determination, in: European Symposium on Algorithms, Sophia-Antipolis, France, France, H. Bodlaender, G. Italiano (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science - LNCS, Springer, 2013, vol. 8125, pp. 289-300. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40450-4_25 ]

  • 29J. Araujo, F. Giroire, Y. Liu, R. Modrzejewski, J. Moulierac.

    Energy Efficient Content Distribution, in: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Budapest, Hungary, June 2013, pp. 4233-4238. [ DOI : 10.1109/ICC.2013.6655228 ]

  • 30J. Araujo, G. Morel, L. Sampaio, R. Soares, V. Weber.

    Hull number: P5-free graphs and reduction rules, in: VII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), Playa del Carmen, Mexico, March 2013.

  • 31J. Araújo, N. Nisse, S. Pérennes.

    Weighted Coloring in Trees, in: 31st Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science (STACS), Lyon, France, Dagstuhl Publishing, 2014.

  • 32J.-C. Bermond, D. Coudert, G. D'Angelo, F. Z. Moataz.

    Diverse Routing with Star SRLGs, in: 15èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), Pornic, France, N. Nisse, F. Rousseau, Y. Busnel (editors), May 2013, pp. 1-4.

  • 33J.-C. Bermond, D. Coudert, G. D'Angelo, F. Z. Moataz.

    SRLG-Diverse Routing with the Star Property, in: Design of Reliable Communication Networks, DRCN, Budapest, Hungary, March 2013.

  • 34L. Blin, J. Burman, N. Nisse.

    Exclusive Graph Searching, in: 21st European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2013), Sophia Antipolis, France, Lecture Notes in Computer Science / ARCoSS, Springer, 2013, vol. LNCS 8125, pp. 181-192.

  • 35C. Caillouet, D. Coudert, A. Kodjo.

    Robust optimization in multi-operators microwave backhaul networks, in: 4th Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium, Trento, Italy, IEEE, 2013, pp. 1-6.

  • 36N. Cohen, D. Coudert, A. Lancin.

    Algorithme exact et approché pour le calcul de l'hyperbolicité d'un graphe, in: 15èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), Pornic, France, N. Nisse, F. Rousseau, Y. Busnel (editors), May 2013, pp. 1-4.

  • 37D. Coudert, A. Koster, K. Phan, T. Martin.

    Robust Redundancy Elimination for Energy-aware Routing, in: The 2013 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications (GreenCom 2013), Beijing, China, IEEE, August 2013.

  • 38G. D'Angelo, G. Di Stefano, A. Navarra, N. Nisse, K. Suchan.

    A unified approach for different tasks on rings in robot-based computing systems, in: 15th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models (IPDPS Workshop), Boston, United States, 2013, pp. 667-676.

  • 39F. Giroire, S. K. Gupta, R. Modrzejewski, J. Monteiro, S. Perennes.

    Repair Time in Distributed Storage Systems, in: 6th International Conference on Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems (Globe 2013), Prague, Czech Republic, Springer, August 2013, vol. 8059, pp. 99-110. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-40053-7_9 ]

  • 40F. Giroire, D. Mazauric, N. Nisse, S. Pérennes, R. Soares.

    Connected Surveillance Game, in: 20th Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), Ischia, Italy, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Springer, 2013, vol. LNCS 8179, pp. 68-79.

  • 41F. Giroire, R. Modrzejewski, N. Nisse, S. Pérennes.

    Maintaining Balanced Trees For Structured Distributed Streaming Systems, in: 20th Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (SIROCCO), Ischia, Italy, 2013, vol. LNCS 8179, pp. 177-188. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-03578-9_15 ]

  • 42F. Giroire, S. Pérennes, I. Tahiri.

    On the Hardness of Equal Shortest Path Routing, in: International Network Optimization Conference, Tenerife, Spain, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Elsevier, 2013, vol. 41, pp. 439-446. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.endm.2013.05.123 ]

  • 43F. Giroire, S. Pérennes, I. Tahiri.

    Sur la complexité du routage OSPF, in: 15èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), Pornic, France, N. Nisse, F. Rousseau, Y. Busnel (editors), 2013, pp. 1-4.

  • 44A. Koster, K. Phan, T. Martin.

    Extended Cutset Inequalities for the Network Power Consumption Problem, in: INOC - International Network Optimization Conference - 2013, Tenerife, Spain, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, Springer, May 2013, vol. 41, pp. 69-76.

  • 45E. Le Rouzic, E. Bonetto, L. Chiaraviglio, F. Giroire, F. Idzikowski, F. Jimenez, C. Lange, J. Montalvo, F. Musumeci, I. Tahiri, A. Valenti, W. Van Heddeghem, Y. Ye, A. Bianco, A. Pattavina.

    TREND towards more energy-efficient optical networks, in: 17th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), Brest, France, 2013, pp. 211–216.

  • 46R. Modrzejewski, L. Chiaraviglio, I. Tahiri, F. Giroire, E. L. Rouzic, E. Bonetto, F. Masumeci, R. Gonzalez, C. Guerro.

    Energy Efficient Content Distribution in an ISP Network, in: IEEE Global Communications Conference, Atlanta, United States, December 2013.

  • 47N. Nisse, R. Soares.

    On the Monotonicity of Process Number, in: 7th Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS), Mexico, Mexico, Elsevier, 2013, vol. 44, pp. 141-147.

  • 48R. Pardo Soares.

    Fractional Combinatorial Games on Graphs, in: 15èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), Pornic, France, N. Nisse, F. Rousseau, Y. Busnel (editors), 2013.

  • 49G. d'Angelo, A. Navarra, N. Nisse.

    Gathering and Exclusive Searching on Rings under Minimal Assumptions, in: 15th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN), Coimbatore, India, M. Chatterjee, Jian-Nong. Cao, K. Kothapalli, S. Rajsbaum (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2014, vol. 8314, pp. 149-164. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-45249-9_10 ]


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 50C. Caillouet, A. Koster.

    Robust Round Weighting with Traffic Uncertainty in Wireless Mesh Networks, in: 26th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVI), Rome, Italy, July 2013.

  • 51A. Kodjo, D. Coudert, C. Caillouet-Molle.

    Optimisation robuste pour le partage de réseaux d'accès micro-ondes entre opérateurs, in: ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision, Bordeaux, France, February 2014.

  • 52N. Nisse.

    Fractional Combinatorial Two-Player Games, in: 26th European Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXVI), Italy, 2013.


Books or Proceedings Editing

  • 53R. Baldoni, N. Nisse, M. van Steen (editors)

    Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Principles of Distributed Systems (OPODIS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, December 2013, vol. 8304, 280 p.

  • 54Y. Busnel, N. Nisse, F. Rousseau (editors)

    Actes des 15es Rencontres Francophones sur les aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications (AlgoTel), Univ. Nantes, May 2013, 130 p.


Internal Reports

  • 55D. Agarwal, J. Araujo, C. Caillouet, F. Cazals, D. Coudert, S. Pérennes.

    Connectivity Inference in Mass Spectrometry based Structure Determination, Inria, June 2013, no RR-8320, 23 p.

  • 56O. Amini, D. Coudert, N. Nisse.

    Some Results on Non-deterministic Graph Searching in Trees, 2013, 27 p.

  • 57J. Araujo, F. Giroire, Y. Liu, R. Modrzejewski, J. Moulierac.

    Energy Efficient Content Distribution, Inria, May 2013, no RR-8091, 27 p.

  • 58J. Araujo, N. Nisse, S. Pérennes.

    Weighted Coloring in Trees, Inria, 2013, no RR-8249.

  • 59J.-C. Bermond, B. Li, N. Nisse, H. Rivano, M.-L. Yu.

    Data Gathering and Personalized Broadcasting in Radio Grids with Interferences, Inria, 2013, no RR-8218.

  • 60P. Berthomé, T. Bouvier, F. Mazoit, N. Nisse, R. Pardo Soares.

    An Unified FPT Algorithm for Width of Partition Functions, Inria, September 2013, no RR-8372.

  • 61L. Blin, J. Burman, N. Nisse.

    Exclusive Graph Searching, June 2013.

  • 62D. Coudert, G. Ducoffe.

    On the recognition of C_4-free and 1/2-hyperbolic graphs, Inria, January 2014, no RR-8458, 20 p.

  • 63D. Coudert, L. Hogie, A. Lancin, D. Papadimitriou, S. Pérennes, I. Tahiri.

    Feasibility study on distributed simulations of BGP, Inria, April 2013, no RR-8283, 24 p.

  • 64D. Coudert, A. Kodjo, K. Phan.

    Robust Energy-aware Routing with Redundancy Elimination, Inria, January 2014, no RR-8457.

  • 65D. Coudert, D. Mazauric, N. Nisse.

    Experimental Evaluation of a Branch and Bound Algorithm for computing Pathwidth, Inria, February 2014, no RR-8470, 301 p.

  • 66G. D'Angelo, A. Navarra, N. Nisse.

    Robot Searching and Gathering on Rings under Minimal Assumptions, Inria, 2013, no RR-8250.

  • 67F. Giroire, D. Mazauric, N. Nisse, S. Pérennes, R. Pardo Soares.

    Connected Surveillance Game, Inria, May 2013, no RR-8297, 22 p.

  • 68F. Giroire, R. Modrzejewski, N. Nisse, S. Pérennes.

    Maintaining Balanced Trees For Structured Distributed Streaming Systems, Inria, May 2013, no RR-8309.

  • 69F. Giroire, N. Nisse, S. Pérennes, R. Pardo Soares.

    Fractional Combinatorial Two-Player Games, Inria, September 2013, no RR-8371.

  • 70F. Havet, B. Lidicky.

    Splitting a tournament into two subtournaments with given minimum outdegree, Inria, February 2014, no RR-8469.

  • 71F. Havet, A. K. Maia.

    On disjoint directed cycles with prescribed minimum lengths, Inria, April 2013, no RR-8286.


Scientific Popularization

  • 72A. Lancin, D. Papadimitriou.

    DRMSim: A Routing-Model Simulator for Large-Scale Networks, in: ERCIM News, July 2013, vol. 94, pp. 31-32.

References in notes
  • 73D. Bertsimas, M. Sim.

    The Price of Robustness, in: Oper. Res., January 2004, vol. 52, no 1, pp. 35–53.

  • 74H. Broersma, F. V. Fomin, P. A. Golovach, G. J. Woeginger.

    Backbone Colorings for Graphs: Tree and Path Backbones, in: J. Graph Theory, June 2007, vol. 55, no 2, pp. 137–152.

  • 75F. Giroire, J. Moulierac, T. K. Phan, F. Roudaut.

    Minimization of Network Power Consumption with Redundancy Elimination, in: International IFIP TC 6 Networking Conference, Prague, Tchèque, République, R. Bestak, L. Kencl, L. E. Li, J. Widmer, H. Yin (editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, May 2012, vol. 7289, pp. 247-258. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-30045-5_19 ]

  • 76P. Golovach, D. Kratsch, J.-F. Couturier.

    Colorings with Few Colors: Counting, Enumeration and Combinatorial Bounds, in: Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, D. Thilikos (editor), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2010, vol. 6410, pp. 39-50.

  • 77D. Guan, Z. Xuding.

    A coloring problem for weighted graphs, in: Information Processing Letters, 1997, vol. 61, no 2, pp. 77 - 81. [ DOI : 10.1016/S0020-0190(97)00002-1 ]
