Section: Dissemination



J-C. Bermond is in charge of the attractiveness of the center Inria Sophia Antipolis Méditerannée. Among other activities he corganized The "Mediterranean days" (January 23-25) ( 25 foreign students invited) and co-organized the valorization afternoon on February 2, 2013 (100 students);

Fête de la Science:

F. Giroire presented the stand "Magie et jeux mathématiques" at the Centre International de Valbonne, France (October 8, 2013); F. Moataz assisted the stand "Drone/Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" at Sophia Antipolis, France (October 12-13, 2013);

Formation EDSTIC:

J. Aráujo has given lectures on Graph Theory and Algorithms to PhD students, 20h;

Mathématiques et Internet:

J-C. Bermond gave a vulgarization talk at the Centre Culturel of La Grande Motte, Hérault France (April 16, 2013);

Optimisation dans les réseaux:

J-C. Bermond gave 3 talks to investors on the future of optimization in networks, Paris (March 28, 2013);

Science culture au lycée, Inria/PACA:

N. Nisse explains graph to a Lycée class at Marseille, France (December 19th, 2013);