Section: Dissemination
Participation in Conferences and Workshops
Invited Talks
- J-C. Bermond:
DIMACS Workshop on Algorithms for Green Data Storage, DIMACS, Rutgers University USA (December 18, 2013);
- D. Coudert:
Bell labs - NIST Workshop on Large-Scale Networks, Murray Hill, NJ, USA (October 25, 2013); AlDyNet Workshop on Algorithms and Randomness, Santiago , Chile (November 21, 2013);
- F. Havet:
School on Graph Theory, Oléron, France (June 17-21, 2010), five hour lecture on “Orientations and colorings of graphs”;
- N. Nisse:
AlDyNet Workshop on Algorithms and Randomness, Santiago , Chile (November 21, 2013);
Participation in Scientific Meetings
- ADR Network Science:
Meeting of ADR Network Science of the Alcatel-Lucent / Inria Joint lab, Paris, France (February 28, 2013) Attended by D. Coudert (speaker) and N. Nisse (speaker); Sophia-Antipolis, France (December 5) Attended by D. Coudert;
Journée du pôle COMRED (December 3-4, 2013). Attended by all members of COATI;
Journées de l'ANR - Rencontres du numérique (April 17-18, 2013). Attended by F. Giroire;
Plenary meeting of FP7 STREP EULER , Antwerp, Belgium (September 23-25, 2013). Attended by D. Coudert and A. Lancin.
- GDL:
GreenDay@Lille, Lille, France (November 28-29, 2013). Attended by K. Phan;
29e Journee Francilienne de Recherche Operationnelle, Paris, France (June 4, 2013). Attended by J. Araújo, B. Li, N. Nisse;
- JGA:
15èmes Journées Graphes et Algorithmes, Orsay, France (November 13-15, 2013). Attended by J. Araújo, F. Havet, A. Maia (speaker);
- JIF:
Journées D'informatique fondamentale de Paris Diderot (April 24, 2013). Attended by N. Nisse;
- Journées REP:
Journées Scientifiques and Journée REP of Inria, Rennes, France (June 25-27, 2013). Attended by D. Coudert;
- Inria- Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs:
Kick off meeting Phase 2 of the Common Lab Inria-Alcatel Lucent Bell Labs, Nozay, France (March 27, 2013). Attended by J-C. Bermond;
- POC:
Polyèdres et Optimisation Combinatoire: Journée sur l'Optimisation Robuste et la programmation mathématique Paris, France (December 6th, 2013). Attended by A. Kodjo;
meeting for preparing submission of ANR SEAT (October 2nd, 2013). Attended by D. Coudert and N. Nisse;
- Struco:
Meeting on Combinatorics and Distributed Computing, Pont-à-Mousson, (November 12-15, 2013). Attended by F. Havet;
NoE TREND Plenary Meeting, Catania, Italy (February 6-8, 2013). Attended by F. Giroire;
Participation in Conferences
- AlDyNet:
AlDyNet Workshop on Algorithms and Randomness, Santiago, Chile (November 21, 2013). Attended by D. Coudert (speaker), B. Li (speaker), F. Moataz (speaker), N. Nisse (speaker);
Sophia Antipolis, France (September 2-6, 2013). Attended by all members of COATI;
- Algotel:
15èmes Rencontres Francophones pour les Aspects Algorithmiques des Telecommunications, Pornic, France (May 28-31, 2013). Attended by F. Moataz (speaker), N. Nisse, D. Coudert, G. Ducoffe (speaker), I. Tahiri, A. Lancin, R. Soares (speaker) and F. Giroire;
Working group and Workshop on Algorithms for Green Data Storage, DIMACS, Rutgers University USA (December 16-18, 2013). Attended by J-C. Bermond (speaker);
the 9th International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks, Budapest, Hungary (March 4-7, 2013). Attended by F.Z. Moataz (speaker);
26th European Conference on Operational Research, Roma, Italy (July 2-4, 2013). Attended by C. Molle-Caillouet (speaker), D. Coudert and N. Nisse (speaker);
Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium, Trento, Italy (October 28-31, 2013). Attended by A. Kodjo (speaker);
- Globe:
6th International Conference on Data Management in Cloud, Grid and P2P Systems, Prague, Czech Republic (August 28-29, 2013). Attended by R. Modrzejewski (speaker);
- Globecom:
IEEE Global Communications Conference, Atlanta, United States (December 9-13, 2013). Attended by F. Giroire (speaker);
6th workshop on Graph Classes, Optimization, and Width Parameters, Santorini Island (October 09–11, 2013). Attended by F. Havet (speaker) and N. Nisse;
- ICC:
IEEE International Conference on Communications, Budapest, Hungary (June 912, 2013). Attended by R. Modrzejewski (speaker);
IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, Beijing, China (August 20-23, 2013). Attended by K. Phan (speaker);
6th International Network Optimization Conference, Tenerife, Spain (May 20-22, 2013). Attended by I. Tahiri (speaker);
VII Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium, Playa del Carmen, Mexico (April 22-26, 2013). Attended by J. Araújo (speaker), A. Maia (speaker), P. Moura (speaker), R. Soares (speaker);
17th International Conference On Principle Of DIstributed Systems, Nice, France (December 16-18, 2013). Attended by B. Li, A. Kodjo and N. Nisse
20th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, Ischia, Italy (July 1–3, 2013). Attended by F. Giroire (speaker) and N. Nisse (speaker);
Bell labs - NIST Workshop on Large-Scale Networks, Murray Hill, NJ, USA (October 25, 2013). Attended by D. Coudert;
Participation in Schools
- CSP:
School on Constraint Satisfaction problems, ENS Lyon, France (January 21-25, 2013). Attended by F. Moataz;
Summer School on Graph and Routing Dynamics: Models and Algorithms, Barcelona, Spain (July 1-5, 2013). Attended by F. Moataz, B. Li and A. Lancin;
- JCALM13:
13es Journées Combinatoire et Algorithmes du Littoral Méditerranéen, Marseille, France (June 10-11, 2013). Attended by J. Araújo, G. Ducoffe, F. Giroire, A. Maia, N. Nisse;
- JCALM14:
14es Journées Combinatoire et Algorithmes du Littoral Méditerranéen, Barcelona, Spain (October 14-15, 2013). Attended by F. Havet (speaker), A. Maia
- NetOpt:
Winter School on Network Optimization, Estoril, Portugal (January 14-18, 2013). Attended by B. Li and A. Kodjo;
- ResCom:
Summer school ResCom 2013 of GDR ASR of CNRS on Content Centric Networks, Porquerolles, France (May 13-17, 2013). Attended by J-C. Bermond, D. Coudert, F. Giroire, R. Modrzejewski;
- SGT:
Summer School on Graph Theory, île d'Oléron, France (June 17-21, 2013). Attended by J. Araújo, F. Havet, B. Li, A. Maia, F. Moataz, N. Nisse;
The TREND PhD School in Green Networking, Turin, Italy (July 1-5, 2013). Attended by K. Phan;