Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: A. Kodjo, Algorithme-Programmation Objet-Python, 40h ETD, L2, Networks, 15h ETD, L2, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Informatique pratique, 36h ETD, L1,Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;

  • Licence: F. Moataz, Systèmes Informatiques, 40h ETD, L1, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;

  • Licence: C. Molle-Caillouet, IT Tools, 53h, L1, Database and advanced information system, 36h, L2, Operations Research, 81h, L2, Delivery Optimization, 30h, L3, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;

  • Licence: J. Moulierac, Algorithms and Programming, 100h ETD, L1, ASR5 - Networks, 30h ETD, L1, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;

  • Licence: N. Nisse, informatique, 30h ETD, 1ère année classes préparatoires (L1), CIV, Sophia Antipolis, France;

  • Licence: I. Tahiri, Introduction to networks, 96h ETD, L1, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;

  • Licence: M. Syska, Introduction to Operating Systems, 40h ETD, L1, Operating Systems : Advanced Programming, 60h ETD, L2, Bash Scripting, 20h ETD, L3, Introduction to Algorithms, 30h ETD, L3, Linux Systems Administration, 40h ETD, L3, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis.

  • Master: D. Coudert, Algorithms for Telecommunication 2, 30 ETD, M2 Ubinet of Master IFI, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;

  • Master: F. Giroire, 16h ETD, Introduction to Probabilities and Statistics, International track of the Master 1 IFI, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;

  • Master: F. Giroire and N. Nisse, Algorithms for Telecommunications, 30h ETD, M2 Ubinet of Master IFI, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;

  • Master: F. Giroire and N. Nisse, Algorithms for Telecommunications, 36h ETD, M2, Master MDFI, Univ. Marseille;

  • Master: F. Havet, Discharging Method, 6h, M2, Simon Fraser University, Canada.

  • Master: A. Kodjo, Réseaux, 15h ETD, M1, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;

Collaboration Inria-Lycée International de Valbonne:

N. Nisse is co-responsible of the Computer Science course of MPSI;

IUT Nice Côte d'Azur:

J. Moulierac is Directrice d'études of Semestre 2 décalé at IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Computer Science Department since september 2013;

M. Syska is responsible of the Computer Science Department of IUT since september 2011;

Ubinet, Master IFI:

J.-C. Bermond is member of the scientific committee;

F. Giroire is responsible of the Internships within international stream Ubinet, Master IFI (http://ubinet.unice.fr ), since October 2011;

International Master 1:

J.-C. Bermond is member of the scientific committee of the international track of the M1 (http://computerscience.unice.fr/master1 ).


  • PhD:

  • R. Modrzejewski, Systèmes pair-à-pair de partage de données, October 24, 2013, S. Pérennes and F. Giroire.

  • R. Pardo Soares, Routing reconfiguration in WDM networks, November 8, 2013, D. Coudert, C. Linhares Sales and N. Nisse.

  • PhD in progress:

  • I. Tahiri, Optimisation dans les réseaux de collecte IP sans fils, since November 2009, D. Coudert.

  • 4th year:

  • S. Félix, Smart transports : optimisation du trafic dans les villes, since January 2011, J.-C. Bermond and J. Galtier.

  • A. Lancin, Study of network properties for efficient routing algorithms, since January 2011, D. Coudert.

  • 3rd year:

  • M. A. Bergach, GPGPU Graphics Processing Units for signal processing, since September 2011, M. Syska.

  • A. Kodjo, Design and optimization of multi-operators wireless backhaul networks, since October 2011, D. Coudert.

  • B. Li, Tree-decomposition and applications to routing, since October 2011, D. Coudert and N. Nisse.

  • A. K. Maia, Partitions of directed graphs, since September 2011, F. Havet.

  • T. K. Phan, Design and Management of networks with low-power Consumption, since October 2011, D. Coudert and J. Moulierac.

  • 2nd year:

  • F. Z. Moataz, Conception et optimisation de réseaux robustes aux pannes et variations de capacités, since October 2012, D. Coudert.

D. Coudert:

supervised the internship of Guillaume Ducoffe (ENS Cachan, Paris, France) on "Computation in Large Graphs with Applications to Gromov Hyperbolicity", March-September 2013 (6 months);

F. Havet:

supervised the internship of Mathieu Schmitt (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France) on backbone colouring, May-August 2013 (3 months).

N. Nisse:

supervised the internship of Christos Papageorgakis (University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece) on implementation of Cops and Robber games, February-July 2013 (6 months);

N. Nisse and S. Pérennes:

supervised the internship of Ioannis Lamprou (University of Athens, Greece) on fractional games in graphs, March-August 2013 (6 months);


J-C. Bermond:

member of the PhD jury of Remigiusz Modrzejewski, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (October 24, 2013);

D. Coudert:

Member of the PhD jury of Valentin Weber, Université de Grenoble, France (July 8, 2013); Referee and member of the PhD jury of Jiyai Liu, Télécom Bretagne, Rennes, France (November 4, 2013); Member of the PhD jury of Ronan Soares, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, France (November 8, 2013); Member of the PhD jury of Christian Glacet, Université de Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France (December 6, 2013);

F. Giroire:

member of the PhD jury of Ngo Hoang Giang, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (December 16, 2013); member of the PhD jury of Remigiusz Modrzejewski, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (October 24, 2013);

F. Havet:

external referee of the PhD of S. Simonsen, University of Southern Denmark (November 7 2013); external referee of the PhD of A. Maddaloni, University of Southern Denmark (November 8 2013);

N. Nisse:

member of the PhD jury of Ronan Soares, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (November 8, 2013);