Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: A. Kodjo, Algorithme-Programmation Objet-Python, 40h ETD, L2, Networks, 15h ETD, L2, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Informatique pratique, 36h ETD, L1,Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;
Licence: F. Moataz, Systèmes Informatiques, 40h ETD, L1, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;
Licence: C. Molle-Caillouet, IT Tools, 53h, L1, Database and advanced information system, 36h, L2, Operations Research, 81h, L2, Delivery Optimization, 30h, L3, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;
Licence: J. Moulierac, Algorithms and Programming, 100h ETD, L1, ASR5 - Networks, 30h ETD, L1, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;
Licence: N. Nisse, informatique, 30h ETD, 1ère année classes préparatoires (L1), CIV, Sophia Antipolis, France;
Licence: I. Tahiri, Introduction to networks, 96h ETD, L1, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;
Licence: M. Syska, Introduction to Operating Systems, 40h ETD, L1, Operating Systems : Advanced Programming, 60h ETD, L2, Bash Scripting, 20h ETD, L3, Introduction to Algorithms, 30h ETD, L3, Linux Systems Administration, 40h ETD, L3, IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis.
Master: D. Coudert, Algorithms for Telecommunication 2, 30 ETD, M2 Ubinet of Master IFI, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;
Master: F. Giroire, 16h ETD, Introduction to Probabilities and Statistics, International track of the Master 1 IFI, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;
Master: F. Giroire and N. Nisse, Algorithms for Telecommunications, 30h ETD, M2 Ubinet of Master IFI, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;
Master: F. Giroire and N. Nisse, Algorithms for Telecommunications, 36h ETD, M2, Master MDFI, Univ. Marseille;
Master: F. Havet, Discharging Method, 6h, M2, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
Master: A. Kodjo, Réseaux, 15h ETD, M1, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis;
- Collaboration Inria-Lycée International de Valbonne:
N. Nisse is co-responsible of the Computer Science course of MPSI;
- IUT Nice Côte d'Azur:
J. Moulierac is Directrice d'études of Semestre 2 décalé at IUT Nice Côte d'Azur, Computer Science Department since september 2013;
M. Syska is responsible of the Computer Science Department of IUT since september 2011;
- Ubinet, Master IFI:
J.-C. Bermond is member of the scientific committee;
F. Giroire is responsible of the Internships within international stream Ubinet, Master IFI ( ), since October 2011;
- International Master 1:
J.-C. Bermond is member of the scientific committee of the international track of the M1 ( ).
R. Modrzejewski, Systèmes pair-à-pair de partage de données, October 24, 2013, S. Pérennes and F. Giroire.
R. Pardo Soares, Routing reconfiguration in WDM networks, November 8, 2013, D. Coudert, C. Linhares Sales and N. Nisse.
I. Tahiri, Optimisation dans les réseaux de collecte IP sans fils, since November 2009, D. Coudert.
S. Félix, Smart transports : optimisation du trafic dans les villes, since January 2011, J.-C. Bermond and J. Galtier.
A. Lancin, Study of network properties for efficient routing algorithms, since January 2011, D. Coudert.
M. A. Bergach, GPGPU Graphics Processing Units for signal processing, since September 2011, M. Syska.
A. Kodjo, Design and optimization of multi-operators wireless backhaul networks, since October 2011, D. Coudert.
B. Li, Tree-decomposition and applications to routing, since October 2011, D. Coudert and N. Nisse.
A. K. Maia, Partitions of directed graphs, since September 2011, F. Havet.
T. K. Phan, Design and Management of networks with low-power Consumption, since October 2011, D. Coudert and J. Moulierac.
F. Z. Moataz, Conception et optimisation de réseaux robustes aux pannes et variations de capacités, since October 2012, D. Coudert.
- D. Coudert:
supervised the internship of Guillaume Ducoffe (ENS Cachan, Paris, France) on "Computation in Large Graphs with Applications to Gromov Hyperbolicity", March-September 2013 (6 months);
- F. Havet:
supervised the internship of Mathieu Schmitt (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France) on backbone colouring, May-August 2013 (3 months).
- N. Nisse:
supervised the internship of Christos Papageorgakis (University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece) on implementation of Cops and Robber games, February-July 2013 (6 months);
- N. Nisse and S. Pérennes:
supervised the internship of Ioannis Lamprou (University of Athens, Greece) on fractional games in graphs, March-August 2013 (6 months);
- J-C. Bermond:
member of the PhD jury of Remigiusz Modrzejewski, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (October 24, 2013);
- D. Coudert:
Member of the PhD jury of Valentin Weber, Université de Grenoble, France (July 8, 2013); Referee and member of the PhD jury of Jiyai Liu, Télécom Bretagne, Rennes, France (November 4, 2013); Member of the PhD jury of Ronan Soares, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, France (November 8, 2013); Member of the PhD jury of Christian Glacet, Université de Bordeaux 1, Bordeaux, France (December 6, 2013);
- F. Giroire:
member of the PhD jury of Ngo Hoang Giang, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (December 16, 2013); member of the PhD jury of Remigiusz Modrzejewski, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (October 24, 2013);
- F. Havet:
external referee of the PhD of S. Simonsen, University of Southern Denmark (November 7 2013); external referee of the PhD of A. Maddaloni, University of Southern Denmark (November 8 2013);
- N. Nisse:
member of the PhD jury of Ronan Soares, Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis (November 8, 2013);