Section: Software and Platforms
Participant : Paul Feautrier.
C2fsm is a general tool that converts an arbitrary C program into a counter automaton. This tool reuses the parser and pre-processor of Syntol (see Section 5.3 ), which has been greatly extended to handle while and do while loops, goto , break , and continue statements. C2fsm reuses also part of the code generator of Syntol and has several output formats, including FAST (the input format of Aspic, see Section 5.11 ), a rudimentary VHDL generator, and a DOT generator which draws the output automaton. C2fsm is also able to do elementary transformations on the automaton, such as eliminating useless states, transitions and variables, simplifying guards, or selecting cut-points, i.e., program points on loops that can be used by RanK (see Section 5.12 ) to prove program termination.