Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Participants : Patrice Buche, Jérôme Fortin, Laureline Estival, Bernard Cuq.
We have initiated a national collaboration with Panzani. The objective of this collaboration is to test and get new feedbacks about the platform for expert knowledge management. A master degree internship in collaboration with Panzani was done by an agronomy student, Laureline Estival (Agrosup Dijon), in 2013. This internship enabled us to validate the interest of our tool for Panzani and thus ensure that our developments and software could deal with several types of applications while being usable by non computer sciences experts.
Laureline Estival has continued her work, financed by Panzani, as an engineer to complete the knowledge base for a six month period in 2013-14.