Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives



Participants : Jean-François Baget, Jérôme Fortin, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Michel Leclère.

ASPIQ (ASP technologIes for Querying large scale multisource heterogeneous web information), is an ANR white program (duration: 4 years) that started in Oct. 2012. The project coordinator is Odile Papini (LSIS). It involves partners from CRIL and LERIA.

The main objective of this project is to propose:

  • extensions of standard ASP for representing OWL2 tractable sublanguages;

  • new operations for merging conflicting information in this extended ASP;

  • the identification of subclasses of this extended ASP allowing for efficient query answering mechanisms;

  • an implementation of a prototype reasoning system.

  • See Section  6.1 for this year results (Extensions of the Framework).


Participants : Jean-François Baget, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Mélanie König, Michaël Thomazo.

Pagoda (Practical Algorithms for Ontology-based Data Access )is an ANR JCJC (young researchers) project that started in Jan. 2013 (duration: 4 years). The project coordinator is Meghyn Bienvenu (LRI). It involves partners from the EPI LEO, the LIG, and the Anatomy Laboratory of Grenoble.

The primary aim of this project is to help address challenges brought by scalability and the handling of data inconsistencies by developing novel OBDA (Ontology Based Data Access) query answering algorithms and practical methods for handling inconsistent data.

  • See Section  6.1 for this year results.


Participants : Michel Leclère, Michel Chein, Madalina Croitoru, Léa Guizol, Rallou Thomopoulos, Marie-Laure Mugnier, Alain Gutierrez.

Qualinca is an ANR Contint project that started in Apr. 2012 (duration: 4 years). The project coordinator is Michel Leclère (GraphIK). It involves partners from LRI, LIG, ABES and INA.

The main objective is to elaborate mechanisms allowing to:

  • evaluate the quality of an existing document base;

  • maintain a given level of quality by controlling updating operations;

  • increase the quality of a given base;

  • develop generic methods that take into account the quality of a given base (for instance for searching documents or interconnecting bases).

  • See Section  6.3 for this year results.

Competitivity Clusters

We are taking part in the Laboratory of Excellence (“labex”) NUMEV (Digital and Hardware Solutions, Modelling for the Environment and Life Sciences), led by University of Montpellier 2 in partnership with CNRS, University of Montpellier 1 and Inria. This project aims at developping information and communication technologies for environmental and life sciences. We are participating to one of the four axis, namely “Scientific Data: processing, integration and security”.