Section: Dissemination


  • Massive media coverage of the results of OpenViBE2 project (section 8.2.5 ) : following a press conference and press release organized in January 2013. This ended up with numerous appearances in the media (TV, Press, Radio).

  • "Journées Nationales d'Archéologie" 2013 : organization and numerous demos of immersive and VR results of our team in Immersia room, Rennes, June 2013 [34] .

  • "Festival de la Science" 2013 : booth and demo of the FLyVIZ system, in Betton, October 2013.

  • "Nuit de la Science" 2013 : demos of FLyVIZ system and Corvette project, Rennes, October 2013.

  • "Colloque Chimie et TIC 2013" : presentation "Interagir par la pensée avec les Interfaces Cerveau-Ordinateur" (A. Lécuyer), Maison de la Chimie, Paris, October 2013.

  • "Journées Science et Musique" 2013 : organization of this event, and presentation of several demos of the team in Immersia room, Rennes, October 2013.