Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives


Participants : Valérie Gouranton, Thierry Duval, Bruno Arnaldi.

  • Program: FP7-INFRA

  • Project acronym: VISIONAIR

  • Project title: VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research

  • Duration: Feb 2011 - Feb 2015

  • Coordinator: INPG

  • Other partners: INPG France, University Patras Greece, Cranfield University United Kingdom, Universiteit Twente Netherlands, Universitaet Stuttgart Germany, ICBPP Poland, Univ. Méditerranée France, CNR Italy, Inria France, KTH Sweden, Technion Israel, RWTH Germany, PUT Poland, AMPT France, TUK Germany, University Salford United Kingdom, Fraunhofer Germany, I2CAT Spain, University Essex United Kingdom, MTASEAKI Hungary, ECN France, UCL United Kingdom, Polimi Italy, European Manufacturing and Innovation Research Association

  • Abstract: Visionair calls for the creation of a European infrastructure for high level visualisation facilities that are open to research communities across Europe and around the world. By integrating existing facilities, Visionair aims to create a world-class research infrastructure for conducting state-of-the-art research in visualisation, thus significantly enhancing the attractiveness and visibility of the European Research Area. Hybrid team is mainly involved in Work Package 9 (Advanced methods for interaction and collaboration) led and supervised by Prof. Georges Dumont (MimeTIC Inria team).