Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Dr. Francesco Grani, Postdoc at the Aalborg University, Denmark, spent a half month stay in our group in Rennes in June 2013 to work on auditory feedback in virtual environments, in the frame of EU FP7 "VISIONAIR" project.


  • Mr. Takuya Sato, Master Student at the University of Tohoku in Sendai, Japan, spent a two-month internship in our group in Rennes in November and December 2013 to work on haptic feedback in collaborative virtual environments (Supervisors : Thierry Duval and Anatole Lécuyer).

Visits to International Teams

  • Mr. Anthony Talvas, PhD student in the team, spent a three-month stay at University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain, under the supervision of Pr. Miguel Otaduy. His stay was funded by Rennes Metropole.