Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 Projects


Participants : Georges Dumont [contact] , Charles Pontonnier.


Title: VISION Advanced Infrastructure for Research

Duration: 2011-2015

See also:http://www.infra-visionair.eu/

The european project VISIONAIR began in February 2011 in the infrastructure call of FP7. The project's goal is to create a European infrastructure that should be a unique, visible and attractive entry towards high level visualization facilities. These facilities will be open to the access of a wide set of research communities. By integrating our existing facilities, we will create a world-class research infrastructure enabling to conduct frontier research. This integration will provide a significant attractiveness and visibility of the European Research Area. The partners of this project have proposed to build a common infrastructure that would grant access to high level visualization and interaction facilities and resources to researchers. Indeed, researchers from Europe and from around the world will be welcome to carry out research projects using the visualization facilities provided by the infrastructure. Visibility and attractiveness will be increased by the invitation of external projects.

This project is built with the participation of 26 European partners.

Our actual Virtual Reality systems allowed us to be a key partner within this European project. Our Immersia (http://www.irisa.fr/immersia ) Virtual Reality room is, in Europe, a key place for virtual reality. We are leading the Work Package 9 on Advanced methods for interaction and collaboration of this project and are deeply involved in the directory board and in the scientific piloting committee.

Within the frame of this project, studies on VR and sports about basketball throwing (see 6.4 ) and VR and ergonomics about fidelity of virtual environments for ergonomic applications (see 6.2 ) have been leaded.